Cracking show - fine music and excellent insights into 16th century and later wine-making!
Wine and Lassus
Lovely programme! Lassus was a fascinating composer (leaving aside the wine) as he adopted many different styles from Palestrina-type poluphony, through secular song to the Venetian polychoral. Here's a quote from Wiki which sums it up:
Lassus wrote over 2,000 works in all Latin, French, Italian and German vocal genres known in his time. These include 530 motets, 175 Italian madrigals and villanellas, 150 French chansons, and 90 German lieder.
A small group of students...who were working in the same vein as The Clerkes (i.e. pure soprano top line) ...recorded a little-known Mass by Lassus, Missa Super Frere Thibault, for the BBC when music was organised in local areas. Sadly it never made it to the main Third Programme. But we enjoyed the experience, and never discovered the true identity of 'Frere Thibault'. He was probably the subject of some popular song which Lassus parodied.