Vivaldi Behind Chopin: Afternoon Concert Wednesday 13 March

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  • doversoul1
    Ex Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 7132

    Vivaldi Behind Chopin: Afternoon Concert Wednesday 13 March

    Hidden behind the series title Chopin and his Europe, we have this:

    Vivaldi's delightful serenata 'Gloria e Imeneo', interspersed here with some of his lesser-known violin concertos
    (what I am hearing now (14.16) doesn’t sound like a violin concerto)

    Jarzebski: Canzoni e concerti (excerpts)
    Vivaldi: Serenata ’Gloria e Imeneo‘, RV.687 interspersed with Vivaldi concertos: in C, RV.186; in F, RV.288; in B flat, RV.380
    Vivica Genaux, Martina Belli (mezzos)
    Europa Galante
    Fabio Biondi,violin/conductor
    Vivaldi's delightful serenata 'Gloria e Imeneo', interspersed with some of his concertos.
  • ardcarp
    Late member
    • Nov 2010
    • 11102

    Yes, I heard and enjoyed much of this, though it was 'in the background' as I was doing some physical work. I didn't (don't?) quite grasp the Chopin connection beyond the fact they in Europe.


    • vinteuil
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 13200

      Originally posted by ardcarp View Post
      Yes, I heard and enjoyed much of this, though it was 'in the background' as I was doing some physical work. I didn't (don't?) quite grasp the Chopin connection beyond the fact they in Europe.
      ... here's a Venice - Warsaw connection.

      After the destruction of the historic centre of Warsaw in World War II, it was pains-takingly rebuilt, largely with the assistance of Bellotto's paintings of the city, which have a Canaletto-like 'photographic' realism to them.


