Lucie Skeaping presents a concert of Bach motets given by Vox Luminis at this year's Regensburg Early Music Days festival in Germany.
Vox Luminis at Regensburg Early Music Days: EMS 14 October
What a wonderful hour spent with the headphones listening to this programme! What we used to think of as the 'unaccompanied motets' (Singet, Furchte dich nicht, Komm Jesu komm) were all instrumentally doubled to great effect. (What a relief if you're a singer.) Jesu meine Freude just had, as is usual, continuo. The balance and sensitivity of Vox Luminis is just amazing.
My only slight confusion was the short instrumental piece being billed as 'the Sinfonia' from The Christmas Oratorio. It wasn't what I was expecting. Info, anyone?
It was in fact the sinfonia from the Easter Oratorio. Sloppy work there Ms Skeaping!
Well, it's not a life and death error. Oh, wait a minute.