Ems 7.4.24

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  • Old Grumpy
    Full Member
    • Jan 2011
    • 3695

    Originally posted by Ein Heldenleben View Post

    if anything forums like that this are quite useful for programme makers as its honest feedback from the non green ink and capitals brigade.

    Judging from some of the comments about this forum in the "have your say" sections following newspaper articles about the changes at Radio 3 some people may think otherwise!


    • cloughie
      Full Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 22270

      Originally posted by Ein Heldenleben View Post

      Honestly FF they have so many other things to worry about than getting an obscure pleasure from denying the forum moderators the ability to work out who’s watching.
      if anything forums like that this are quite useful for programme makers as its honest feedback from the non green ink and capitals brigade.
      Even if they choose to ignore them!


      • french frank
        • Feb 2007
        • 30817

        Originally posted by Ein Heldenleben View Post

        Honestly FF they have so many other things to worry about than getting an obscure pleasure from denying the forum moderators the ability to work out who’s watching.
        if anything forums like that this are quite useful for programme makers as its honest feedback from the non green ink and capitals brigade.
        Not their obscure pleasure - the secret pleasure was ours! The point being that we now don't know how often they look in. Yes, they may very well get "useful information", but honestly, Helders, that never stopped them briefing behind the scene about how outlandish, selfish, elitist, unrepresentative (choose your epithet) the Friends of Radio 3 were. I also had to point out to the Blessed Lebrecht who rubbished the group on the basis of what he read on this forum. Something like 80% of forum members who posted unpleasant, insulting, opinionated views here never had the remotest connection with FoR3, and were expressing views that were contrary to FoR3's. All we ever did was provide an alternative to the lost BBC messageboards and allowed people free speech to say what they thought. It was like judging the BBC on the basis of what BBC messageboarders posted there.

        PS Just checked. 10 members online and I'm the only FoR3 supporter there. Plus ça change.
        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.

