Polish ensemble Arte dei Suonatori and violinist Rachel Podger perform a specially devised programme of orchestral and instrumental works by five leading European composers, including concertos by Vivaldi and Corelli published in 1714, music from Handel's first London opera (revived that same year), and a 'sequel' to Corelli's Op.6 ingeniously fashioned in London by his pupil Geminiani.
Rachel Podger on R3 Live Tonight
Thanks for this dovers. Enjoying it.
I do hope the festival continues now Lufhansa have dropped out. The artistic director, Lindsay Kemp, speaking to Ian Skelly seems reasonably confident. I have not been to the festival, residing 300 miles from the smoke, but it has oft been featured on R3, especially the EMS.
We saw the concert without really planning to. We were in London in the afternoon to see Privacy at the Donmar (audience sworn to secrecy about revealing what goes on!). Mobile phone figures prominently and actively in the production and as we came out I checked the Cup Final score (astonished to see 2-0 to Hull). We didn't feel like driving straight home and idly checked the concert venues for further entertainment. It was a toss-up between Nelson Goerner doing Hammerklavier at Wigmore or Arte Dei Suonatori at St John's. Since I love her La Stravaganza discs and Smith Square is on our way home heading west we opted for the latter. I had no idea it was on Radio Three until we turned up and saw their vans outside. A most enjoyable concert in a lovely venue with a virtuoso contribution from Rachel Podger to round off a very full day. Back in Wilts by 11.30 to see Cup highlights on the box.