Reith lectures 2013: Grayson Perry

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  • gurnemanz
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 7472

    I agree that this was not a "proper" Reith lecture (and will admit that I have found some of the more traditional ones less than riveting over the years - more read-out treatises than lectures communicating to an audience). Grayson Perry was clearly surprised to be asked, describing himself as an "oik" and stating right at the start that he would be "playing to the gallery". He is so well known that people would have known anyway what to expect and were free to switch off. I did find it much more entertaining than many a Radio 4 feature and for me at least some new light was shed on the modern art market from a working artist's point of view. I am very interested to see where he goes next and unlike others, will not be giving up after one lecture.


    • MrGongGong
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 18357

      Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
      My goodness MrGG has written 3 paragraphs (that does not happen often) ....must have touched a nerve....

      I think there are there are lots of Musical Acts (taking a broad view of music) who cover the territory that Damien Hirst occupies in visualart (they are not as famous/ successful as DH, or as branded, or as long established and widely known....But I think DM is really just a visual comedian really, a mimic, a taker of the micky, there's the odd bit of deeper stuff, but really most of it irony and sarcasm that most people do not get ....WHATEVER, he has helped produce an appetite for looking at art, so we have that to thank him for....

      ....I have not given a list of these musical acts as my mind has gone blank....and many are ephemeral....and are not 'headliners'....
      Saucer of milk ?

      Nagativland , JOhn Oswald for a start ....... ALL music is surely by its nature "ephemeral"

      Actually DH is (to my eyes anyway) a real traditionalist, not really a radical in terms of the content of the work though (like Mr Perry) has used his life as part of the theatre of what he does (like Dali, Duchamp, Gauguin etc etc etc )


      • eighthobstruction
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 6533

        Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
        Saucer of milk ?
        bong ching


        • jean
          Late member
          • Nov 2010
          • 7100

          Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
          I think there are there are lots of Musical Acts (taking a broad view of music) who cover the territory that Damien Hirst occupies in visualart...
          I'd be interested to know who you'd put in that category and what the points of similarity might be, when your mind sheds its blankness.

          (Genuine question: I don't know enough about modern music to have any idea.)


          • jean
            Late member
            • Nov 2010
            • 7100

            Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
            ... ALL music is surely by its nature "ephemeral"...
            In a sense - but replicability is always there since the invention of notation.


            • MrGongGong
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 18357

              Originally posted by jean View Post
              In a sense - but replicability is always there since the invention of notation.

              I'm not sure if that's always the function of notation
              or if notation facilitated replicability as opposed to transportability
              but that's another discussion all together .....


              • eighthobstruction
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 6533

                Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post

                I'm not sure if that's always the function of notation
                or if notation facilitated replicability as opposed to transportability
                but that's another discussion all together .....
                Why don't we just jump a few hundred years and get as far as MP3 players....they facilitated repeats may not be able to see it, but it's there; knee deep in digits....
                bong ching


                • jayne lee wilson
                  • Jul 2011
                  • 10711

                  When The Artist was interviewed by Kirsty Wark on Newsnight recently she appeared in voluminous, head-to-toe black, looking less friendly, even slightly demonic. But when Kirsty asked her if she is a work of art the answer was "no".

                  She or Grayson could easily be a figure on one of Perry's Pots.


                  • MrGongGong
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 18357

                    Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                    But when Kirsty asked her if she is a work of art the answer was "no".
                    Meant ironically methinks ?


                    • teamsaint
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 25302

                      Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                      My goodness MrGG has written 3 paragraphs (that does not happen often) ....must have touched a nerve....

                      I think there are there are lots of Musical Acts (taking a broad view of music) who cover the territory that Damien Hirst occupies in visualart (they are not as famous/ successful as DH, or as branded, or as long established and widely known....But I think DM is really just a visual comedian really, a mimic, a taker of the micky, there's the odd bit of deeper stuff, but really most of it irony and sarcasm that most people do not get ....WHATEVER, he has helped produce an appetite for looking at art, so we have that to thank him for....

                      ....I have not given a list of these musical acts as my mind has gone blank....and many are ephemeral....and are not 'headliners'....
                      At the risk of displaying my ignorance of visual arts, which I freely admit, are you not saying really that DH is pretty much "just" a post modernist?

                      Not sure where post modernism might fit in musical theory, history or understanding, other that in the pop worlds endless mining of anything at all from the past that might sell a few thousand copies, dressed up as pastiche, rediscovery,irony, eclecticism, or whatever?
                      I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                      I am not a number, I am a free man.


                      • MrGongGong
                        Full Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 18357

                        Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                        At the risk of displaying my ignorance of visual arts, which I freely admit, are you not saying really that DH is pretty much "just" a post modernist?

                        Not sure where post modernism might fit in musical theory, history or understanding, other that in the pop worlds endless mining of anything at all from the past that might sell a few thousand copies, dressed up as pastiche, rediscovery,irony, eclecticism, or whatever?
                        Not sure there (meaning I would have to re read a load of things to remember)
                        but there's plenty out there

                        I also remembered this

                        The Art Damien Hirst Stole, No Love Lost, at the Wallace Collection

                        Which is interesting, not because it shows where things came from but (IMV) that there is considerable skill in creating a situation where you are perceived as the originator rather than the populariser. We can probably all think of examples of this in music


                        • Beef Oven!
                          • Sep 2013
                          • 18147

                          Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                          Not sure there (meaning I would have to re read a load of things to remember)
                          but there's plenty out there

                          Really interesting link MrGG, many thanks


                          • teamsaint
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 25302

                            Originally posted by MrGongGong View Post
                            Not sure there (meaning I would have to re read a load of things to remember)
                            but there's plenty out there

                            I knew, I just knew I should have kept my mouth shut.

                            How on earth am I supposed to find the time for all this stuff ?! spent the evening most informatively with the Serioso and Harp Quartets, (thanks to that coda thread) and a listening list as long as your arm !!

                            BTW, is the RFH organ functioning at all?

                            Thanks Gongers, appreciated.


                            WOW. That is all. I think I really SHOULD have kept my mouth shut !!
                            Last edited by teamsaint; 16-10-13, 21:22.
                            I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered. My life is my own.

                            I am not a number, I am a free man.


                            • MrGongGong
                              Full Member
                              • Nov 2010
                              • 18357

                              The RFH organ is being tuned and voiced
                              and the launch fest is in March with some cracking stuff
                              including several new commissions ........and the Olivier Latry / Shin-Young Lee Rite of Spring transcription

                              Reading aesthetics takes rather a lot of your life so I seem to remember from being a student


                              • Beef Oven!
                                • Sep 2013
                                • 18147

                                Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
                                How on earth am I supposed to find the time for all this stuff ?!
                                Early retirement

