The Returned (Les Revenants), Channel 4, Sunday evenings

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  • Nick Armstrong
    • Nov 2010
    • 26628


    Meanwhile, back in France: I was gripped throughout by Episode 2. The plight of the returned, the missed opportunities, the desperation of remaining the same whilst events have moved on, the pathos of those back home confronted with their returning loved ones, build up a potent elegiac atmosphere unlike anything else I can remember. One effortlessly suspends disbelief. Shades of 'Twin Peaks' still flicker about when the spooky little boy Victor is around - finding out his story is a major reason to continue watching.

    The performance of the sad-faced young girl, the 'returned' twin sister 'Camille', is absolutely magnetic. And the moment when her sister finds the photo on the bar wall of her or her sister's younger self 10 years earlier with 'Simon' was chilling (albeit with a hint of 'The Shining' about it).
    Last edited by Nick Armstrong; 17-06-13, 21:44.
    "...the isle is full of noises,
    Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
    Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
    Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


    • Mr Pee
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3285

      Originally posted by Caliban View Post

      Meanwhile, back in France: I was gripped throughout by Episode 2. The plight of the returned, the missed opportunities, the desperation of remaining the same whilst events have moved on, the desperation of those back home confronted with their returning loved ones, build up a potent elegiac atmosphere unlike anything else I can remember. One effortlessly suspends disbelief. Shades of 'Twin Peaks' still flicker about when the spooky little boy Victor is around - finding out his story is a major reason to continue watching.

      The performance of the sad-faced young girl, the 'returned' twin sister 'Camille', is absolutely magnetic. And the moment when her sister finds the photo on the bar wall of her or her sister's younger self 10 years earlier with 'Simon' was chilling (albeit with a hint of 'The Shining' about it).
      Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

      Mark Twain.


      • mangerton
        Full Member
        • Nov 2010
        • 3346

        Originally posted by Caliban View Post

        The performance of the sad-faced young girl, the 'returned' twin sister 'Camille', is absolutely magnetic. And the moment when her sister finds the photo on the bar wall of her or her sister's younger self 10 years earlier with 'Simon' was chilling (albeit with a hint of 'The Shining' about it).
        I've just caught up with this via 4 OD. As you said, gripping stuff, but perhaps there were a few too many missed opportunities.

        I thought 4 OD omitted adverts, like ITV player. It doesn't.


        • kernelbogey
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 5882

          Originally posted by mangerton View Post
          [...] I thought 4 OD omitted adverts, like ITV player. It doesn't.
          I registered with 4OD in order to watch this, having been put off in the past by knowing that there would be adverts. I've discovered that the adverts are 'updated' to what is currently being advertised - so we missed those adverts in French .

          You also cannot skip them. I suppose this is the price we have to pay for the output being available online.

          I found myself less than gripped by the first episode - it was all very atmospheric, as others have commented above. But I just didn't find the adults who had continued their lives after the accident at all interesting as characters.

          Nonetheless I'll give the second episode a viewing.


          • Mr Pee
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 3285

            Originally posted by mangerton View Post
            I've just caught up with this via 4 OD. As you said, gripping stuff, but perhaps there were a few too many missed opportunities.

            I thought 4 OD omitted adverts, like ITV player. It doesn't.
            Almost anything that is worth serious attention I now either record and watch the next day, or delayed by aboout 30 minutes, and simply fast forward through the ads.
            Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.

            Mark Twain.


            • Nick Armstrong
              • Nov 2010
              • 26628

              Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
              Almost anything that is worth serious attention I now either record and watch the next day, or delayed by aboout 30 minutes, and simply fast forward through the ads.
              Every time. "Broadchurch" was another where this was indispensible...
              "...the isle is full of noises,
              Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
              Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
              Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


              • eighthobstruction
                Full Member
                • Nov 2010
                • 6533

                Originally posted by Caliban View Post

                Meanwhile, back in France: I was gripped throughout by Episode 2. The plight of the returned, the missed opportunities, the desperation of remaining the same whilst events have moved on, the pathos of those back home confronted with their returning loved ones, build up a potent elegiac atmosphere unlike anything else I can remember. One effortlessly suspends disbelief. Shades of 'Twin Peaks' still flicker about when the spooky little boy Victor is around - finding out his story is a major reason to continue watching.

                The performance of the sad-faced young girl, the 'returned' twin sister 'Camille', is absolutely magnetic. And the moment when her sister finds the photo on the bar wall of her or her sister's younger self 10 years earlier with 'Simon' was chilling (albeit with a hint of 'The Shining' about it).
                Get on with ya.....certainly got your rose tinted suspended belief glasses on........if they were really doing what you say, now THAT would be a drama, that would be interesting....but the director and script writers have left US to fill in the emotional gaps that really are not readily addressed in the series so far....a real lack of insightful dialogue, people staring quietly into space instead of shouting WHAT THE HELLS HAPPENING??....<personally I'd be running around swearing a lot, and talking ten to the dozen>

                ....I'm afraid the 'potent elegiac atmosphere ' is half-baked.....pour moi....
                bong ching


                • Nick Armstrong
                  • Nov 2010
                  • 26628

                  Originally posted by eighthobstruction View Post
                  ...a real lack of insightful dialogue, people staring quietly into space instead of shouting WHAT THE HELLS HAPPENING??....<personally I'd be running around swearing a lot, and talking ten to the dozen>

                  I'm not so sure. If a loved one came back, I think one might go with it quietly, not wanting to break the spell...

                  Much in common between the mood of The Returned and the Butterworth song 'Is my team ploughing?' which I just heard on R3...
                  "...the isle is full of noises,
                  Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                  Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                  Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                  • eighthobstruction
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 6533

                    What's going to be found in the reservoir??....

                    ....Enjoying Butterworth (as always ) too....
                    bong ching


                    • vinteuil
                      Full Member
                      • Nov 2010
                      • 13203

                      ... well, if calibschmaltz likes Butterworth, what hope is there?

                      I suspect I'm giving up on The Returned. Episode 2 was a bit interrupted here by family concerns - but even without such distractions, I think that for me the attraction was already palling. Beautifully shot, elegaic in so many ways - but I am so uninterested in the characters; I'm quite happy to suspend disbelief for the outrageous proposition of the returning of the dead - but the reactions (sorry: for calibschmerz : "reäctions"... ) of the living defy comprehension.
                      And the unending teenage gloomth and angst interspersed with grand guignol...

                      Sorry, I think I'm out of here.

                      "The White Queen" seems to be absolute tosh.

                      I shall have to read a book - or listen to some music. Probably not Butterworth....


                      • Nick Armstrong
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 26628

                        Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
                        ... well, if calibschmaltz likes Butterworth, what hope is there?
                        Do you really not like the 'Shropshire Lad' songs, vimto?

                        Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
                        I am so uninterested in the characters; I'm quite happy to suspend disbelief for the outrageous proposition of the returning of the dead - but the reactions (sorry: for calibschmerz : "reäctions"... ) of the living defy comprehension.
                        And the unending teenage gloomth and angst interspersed with grand guignol...
                        Ah well...

                        Funnily enough, I thought of you when I saw L'Haÿ-les-Roses on a map the other day

                        Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
                        "The White Queen" seems to be absolute tosh
                        We are in agreement there...

                        Apparently one sees even more of the Phwoaaar of the Roses in the American edit, to be aired this summer on the ever-so learnéd STARZ channel...

                        Enjoy your book
                        Last edited by Nick Armstrong; 19-06-13, 08:40.
                        "...the isle is full of noises,
                        Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
                        Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
                        Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."


                        • mangerton
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 3346

                          Originally posted by Mr Pee View Post
                          Almost anything that is worth serious attention I now either record and watch the next day, or delayed by aboout 30 minutes, and simply fast forward through the ads.
                          Yes, I usually do that, but I'm away from home at the moment. I also adopt this procedure if there's something I want to watch on BBC, as sod's law dictates that the phone will ring at the crucial moment.


                          • Anna

                            Tonight - VICTOR SPEAKS!!
                            Sorry, so looking forward to this (probably in a minority of one) but I am loving it. Although, confusion last week, did Julie hallucinate about Serge or was she intending self-harm and Victor saved her from herself. And, what about Mme. Peyet and her cats lapping up her innards? <shock, horror, emoticon> Plus, Pierre, lost sheep, resurrections? Decidedly dodgy character. as is Lena's growing, possibly, some sort of stigmata, scar.

                            As to The White Queen. I've caught up with last two episodes. Fancy that, men in the 15th century waxed their chests and underarms and zips had been invented together with L'Oreal shampoo! Even the peasants look clean ....


                            • DracoM
                              • Mar 2007
                              • 13028

                              Sorry, but for me White Q is grade 1 tosh.
                              NOTHING like as good or tightly scripted as Mike Walker's current Mary Queen of Scots sequence on R4


                              • Anna

                                Originally posted by DracoM View Post
                                Sorry, but for me White Q is grade 1 tosh.
                                NOTHING like as good or tightly scripted as Mike Walker's current Mary Queen of Scots sequence on R4
                                Surely, Grade III tosh? I just had some spare time so I caught up, it's pretty, sanitised, and how much viewers will learn about the War of the Roses I don't know. Haven't heard any of the R4 programmes. But, Les Revs I am finding gripping Sunday night viewing

