Jonathan Meades: The Joy of Essex
Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View PostA must-watch! Thanks for the reminder.
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
I circled in the RT some days ago. No family connection with Essex, except a Great-Aunt happened to live in Dagenham ..... well, somebody had to. A County I have rarely ventured into, but Jonathan Meades, looking rather like a Codfish crossed with The Blues Brothers, and his idiosyncrantic style of prose -it has to be a date!
Well you certainly couldn't see the whites of Jonathon Meades eyes during this.....and all the better for that....Some eccentric projects by what might be called benefactors and philanthropic socio-engineers....some really lousy architecture (it must be the air)[flat roof, always a bad sign]....some intellectual burbling and parody, that could just as easily be attacked as accepted.....good sound track (peaked at BruceS's Nebraska Howl).....longed for more shots of drift wood and pilings, marshes, expanse of sky; to actually see the curlews heard in the background....enjoyed....but really, why I don't know....[?]Last edited by eighthobstruction; 30-01-13, 11:25.bong ching
Just watched it on iPlayer. It's like having a very eccentric guide at your side. What I find riveting is the wholly unconventional visual presentation, abjuring all the cliches of contemporary tv documentaries - the walk towards a retreating camera, the exaggerated hand-gestures, the sudden exit of the presenter from the picture and so on. Meades is hugely abetted by his long-term director who crafts shots in which a single piece of script may be delivered with several cuts while showing Meades in the same scene. Individual shots are composed with great beauty. Jump cuts create an unconventional rhythm. The whacky DJ on the car radio adds to the eccentricity. Meades's script is uncompromisingly literate and educated. This is tv that requires concentrated listening, and I loved it.
I do like this type of program Meades has ideas/philosophies but does not get caught in the trap of being a celebrity like Hitchens and Self....doesn't used obscure words long since obsolete, and obstacles to flow and understanding in audio and television (if you are reading those words you have the chance to stop and look them up) [and raise eyebrows at the pretention; possibly] Yes kernelbogey the directors touch was deft....But Meades does have presence....imagine AC Grayling or Scruton in the same situation [I imeadiately see Scruton in tweeds and expensive shooting wellingtons....].....The ambience , clean ambience of vision and soundscape have been left behind, and should be explored more. We continually have prog's about Roman/Greek/ South American/Euro Art and Culture guided by erudite presenters walking about, and on the screen as much as the works etc they look at....which fill us with information and conjecture, but please isn't there room for programmes which just allow us words, music vision, that allow us just to float through making our own minds upbong ching