Twelfth Night at the Apollo

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  • clive heath
    • Mar 2025

    Twelfth Night at the Apollo

    Just enjoyed a marvellous transfer from Shakespeare's Globe to Shaftesbury Avenue and can't do better than

    however although they made great play of "I pray you, bring your hand to th' butt'ry-bar and let it drink" etc. etc. with many a downward glance from the "female" Maria it seemed to me that they made far too little of "...this is my lady's hand; these be her very C's, her U's, and (='N') her T's; and thus she makes her great P's." (My emphasis!) Just shows what a dirty little mind either I or Will or both of us have! Looking forward to the Richard III. As a Wiltshire man born and bred I loved "Jerusalem" clearly identified by being set in Pewsey as it was the only mid-Wilts town NOT mentioned!!