Originally posted by vinteuil
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Good points, vind'alsace, with which I agree. On the last point, the use of an ex-model for Richard's 'favourite' cousin was miles more appropriate than in GE. I also found the Aumerle solution to the ending elegant.
Lots of good points in this thread, most of which echo my reactions. Intense performance of the title role, and I think that the combination of thoughtful, camp narcissist, coupled with the 'redeeming' martyred saint/Christ imagery (powerfully in the text, and important as it resonates through future plays), was dramatically, intellectually and visually compelling. Beautifully shot and coloured. Yes we giggled at the 'business' twixt boats and shore, but the seaside shots, the 'silver sea', contributed so much visually that it was fine. I thought Suchet and Stewart and Morrissey were very good in their different ways, some of the lesser parts less so. And the main concern did indeed hinge on the casting and/or performance of Rory Kinnear. It didn't convince in the early part of the play - thoughtful, aware of the pitfalls, torn between his interests, the interests of the country and his love and loyalty for Richard - it needs to be complex... But he only came into his own (I agree with a poster above) in the scene where Richard surrenders the crown - perfect, I thought (as were others - the embarrassed, uncomfortable indulgence of the fey but heartbreaking 'abdication' performance by Richard).
To be watched again, and good to show to younger persons to foster Shakespearitis, I think...
Looking forward to the next one
