Having got increasingly infuriated about the way the BBC is going and its gradual abandonment of any attempts to cater for people with IQs over 100; its failure to respond to any negative feedback; its misuse of licence payer's money to pay vastly inflated salaries to "stars"; and all the rest I wonder whether pressure should be brought to bear on the government to scrap the ineffectual BBC Trust and establish a new governing body run by and for the benefit of licence payers.
As I see it this body would have the powers to ensure that programmes were made that satisfied all viewers and listeners. Targets would be set and Controllers placed on 18 month contracts after which they could be dismissed without cost.
This is a tax we all have to pay and I for one don't think the fee is acceptable for the very small amount of radio and TV I can bear to watch
As I see it this body would have the powers to ensure that programmes were made that satisfied all viewers and listeners. Targets would be set and Controllers placed on 18 month contracts after which they could be dismissed without cost.
This is a tax we all have to pay and I for one don't think the fee is acceptable for the very small amount of radio and TV I can bear to watch