I was very sad to hear about the death of comedian Sean Lock this week. Sean was only 58 and had skin cancer which he put down to working on building sites in his twenties - 'you can't ask a twenty-stone brickie to give you a rub down with the Ambre Solaire', he said. He was one of those comedians who, if I saw he was on a panel show, I would tune in. Always a great gag coming along often aimed at Jimmy Carr on '8 out of 10 Cats do Countdown'. Sorry to see him go...Channel 4 played his stand-up show 'Keep it Light' last night as a tribute - I hadn't seen it before...one of the funniest things I've seen on TV for ages. I'll miss him on the box. I was supposed to go see him a few years back with my daughter but one of her mates muscled in on the ticket...oh well. Here's what the Guardian and some of his fellow comedians had to say.
