... going back to The Little Drummer Girl - one of the aspects that I found least convincing was how unbeguiling the various intelligence officers were. Who wd wish to have anything to do with that Israeli spymaster? And yet one of the primary rôles of such staff is to be winning, to charm people to do things. Good lord, they all took themselves so seriously! - never a chink of light or humour. One of the complaints levelled at le Carré's works more generally by the intelligence services is that he makes all their staff so dour and in such a perpetual state of existential distrust.
... going back to The Little Drummer Girl - one of the aspects that I found least convincing was how unbeguiling the various intelligence officers were. Who wd wish to have anything to do with that Israeli spymaster? And yet one of the primary rôles of such staff is to be winning, to charm people to do things. Good lord, they all took themselves so seriously! - never a chink of light or humour. One of the complaints levelled at le Carré's works more generally by the intelligence services is that he makes all their staff so dour and in such a perpetual state of existential distrust.