Bodyguard BBC1 Sunday

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  • vinteuil
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 13183

    Originally posted by Conchis View Post
    Just to put things in perspective....after Bodyguard, I watched the first episode of Killing Eve, a new thriller over which soi-disant 'highbrow' critics and intellectuals are fawning, no doubt dazzled by the fact that it's adapted by a newly-trendy scriptwriter. Oh, dear: a VERY uneasy mix of low comedy and violence with principal characters who strive to be endearing but aren't and (if you're looking for them) plot-holes through which a pantechnicon could fall. Give me Bodyguard's straightforward sex and thrills combination over this any day of the week....
    ... mmm, thanks for this. 'Killing Eve' sounds from what you've said to be very much more my cup of tea.



    • Conchis
      • Jun 2014
      • 2396

      Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
      ... mmm, thanks for this. 'Killing Eve' sounds from what you've said to be very much more my cup of tea.


      I know you as a great admirer of shoddy workmanship!


      • muzzer
        Full Member
        • Nov 2013
        • 1197

        I thought Killing Eve was highly entertaining, but even more preposterous than Bodyguard.


        • LMcD
          Full Member
          • Sep 2017
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          Originally posted by Conchis View Post
          Just to put things in perspective....after Bodyguard, I watched the first episode of Killing Eve, a new thriller over which soi-disant 'highbrow' critics and intellectuals are fawning, no doubt dazzled by the fact that it's adapted by a newly-trendy scriptwriter. Oh, dear: a VERY uneasy mix of low comedy and violence with principal characters who strive to be endearing but aren't and (if you're looking for them) plot-holes through which a pantechnicon could fall. Give me Bodyguard's straightforward sex and thrills combination over this any day of the week....
          I KNEW there was an explanation for my enjoyment of this series.


          • kernelbogey
            Full Member
            • Nov 2010
            • 5874

            Originally posted by Conchis View Post
            Just to put things in perspective....after Bodyguard, I watched the first episode of Killing Eve, a new thriller over which soi-disant 'highbrow' critics and intellectuals are fawning, no doubt dazzled by the fact that it's adapted by a newly-trendy scriptwriter. Oh, dear: a VERY uneasy mix of low comedy and violence with principal characters who strive to be endearing but aren't and (if you're looking for them) plot-holes through which a pantechnicon could fall. Give me Bodyguard's straightforward sex and thrills combination over this any day of the week....
            I watched ep 1 of Killing Eve, and had much the same reaction - rather 'up itself' - but finding that I could watch the whole lot on iPlayer, I binge-watched eps 2-4 as well and thought it got a lot better. The quirky humour/violence mix grew on me, but I think it's a farily shallow piece overall. But quite attractive, in a tarty sort of way....


            • johncorrigan
              Full Member
              • Nov 2010
              • 10500

              I've really enjoyed the slower pace of the last two episodes, but I'm particularly enjoying the soundtrack to BG. And as Budd becomes more dishevelled I find him a lot more persuasive as a character. Can't work out, however, why they haven't linked him to the army sniper guy yet. A fine case of who's doing who...looking forward to next week's finale! Also, maybe this has been discussed already, but if Mrs Budd is in a safe house, why is she going to her work? Anyway, most of the time when I'm watching BG I don't really mind the wee holes.


              • Richard Tarleton

                The final episode will be 75 minutes, apparently.

                Killing Eve (just Ep. 1 so far) a hoot - I liked the way she wrote the name of the victim's bedspread [throw] designer on her hand so as not to forget it, and bought one for herself when she got home.


                • LMcD
                  Full Member
                  • Sep 2017
                  • 8907

                  Originally posted by Richard Tarleton View Post
                  The final episode will be 75 minutes, apparently.

                  Killing Eve (just Ep. 1 so far) a hoot - I liked the way she wrote the name of the victim's bedspread [throw] designer on her hand so as not to forget it, and bought one for herself when she got home.
                  The BBC are expecting 10 million to watch the final episode on the night as people hope to avoid spoilers! Last Sunday's episode was up by 1 million to 8 million on the previous week with more to come on recordings/catch-up. These are very strong figures in today's increasingly fragmented TV world.


                  • Conchis
                    • Jun 2014
                    • 2396

                    Originally posted by LMcD View Post
                    The BBC are expecting 10 million to watch the final episode on the night as people hope to avoid spoilers! Last Sunday's episode was up by 1 million to 8 million on the previous week with more to come on recordings/catch-up. These are very strong figures in today's increasingly fragmented TV world.
                    I think people were hungry for a series like this. There is an appetite for this sort of stuff that can't be met by talent shows or crap like so-called Love Island. Only problem is, it's expensive to make but I suppose it'll more than make back its budget in overseas sales.


                    • Serial_Apologist
                      Full Member
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 38152

                      I can't help feling that the implication in the trail for the finale suggesting Budd as being the culprit might be a clever deception.


                      • Conchis
                        • Jun 2014
                        • 2396

                        Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
                        I can't help feling that the implication in the trail for the finale suggesting Budd as being the culprit might be a clever deception.
                        I somehow doubt Budd will be the culprit, though he may be implicated (either knowingly or unknowingly). I think an audience would feel cheated if its 'point of identification turned out to be a bad 'un.


                        • vinteuil
                          Full Member
                          • Nov 2010
                          • 13183

                          Originally posted by Conchis View Post
                          I somehow doubt Budd will be the culprit, though he may be implicated (either knowingly or unknowingly). .
                          ... they will want to make a second series of Bodyguard. As such, he probably can't (yet) be definitely outed as a baddie. Tho' by episode 11 of the first series of Homeland we finally, definitely, knew that Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis) was a bad'un...



                          • Richard Tarleton

                            Before starting a new thread, is anyone watching Black Earth Rising? Powerful stuff if a little art house in style, and as the i review says [SPOILER ALERT],

                            Between this and Bodyguard, the surprising deaths of big-name female stars is fast becoming a theme of this autumn’s TV. .

                            And a reminder in Episode 2 of the unsavoury role played by our immediate neighbours in the Rwandan genocide and its aftermath.

                            I soon gave up on "The Honourable Woman", Hugo Blick's last outing, but this seems better.


                            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                              Gone fishin'
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 30163

                              Originally posted by muzzer View Post
                              I thought Killing Eve was highly entertaining, but even more preposterous than Bodyguard.
                              Yes - it's more Bond than Bodyguard; more "preposterous", as you say, but less ridiculous in that it isn't intending to be serious: the laughs are intentional, unlike Bg. The script isn't nearly as sharp and slick as it thinks it is, but I was greatly entertained by the first episode and shall continue with the rest.
                              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                              • Conchis
                                • Jun 2014
                                • 2396

                                Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
                                ... they will want to make a second series of Bodyguard. As such, he probably can't (yet) be definitely outed as a baddie. Tho' by episode 11 of the first series of Homeland we finally, definitely, knew that Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis) was a bad'un...

                                If they do continue with it, I think they'll probably retain the concept but change the characters: ie, a new bodyguard with a different back story protecting a new personality, not necessarily from politics.

