European Young Musicians Competition Final

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  • LMcD
    Full Member
    • Sep 2017
    • 8922

    European Young Musicians Competition Final

    Just a reminder that this can be seen live tonight, not only in Scotland on BBC 2 but also by viewers outside Scotland, as follows:
    on the BBC Red Button;
    on Freesat Channel 970;
    on Sky Channel 970;
    and on Virgin TV if you set Scotland as your location.
  • LMcD
    Full Member
    • Sep 2017
    • 8922

    Given the limitations imposed by the format - each finalist was allocated a maximum of 12 minutes - I greatly enjoyed this, and have no quibble regarding the result. Two performances were IMHO markedly weaker than the others, while at least two others probably received serious consideration before the judges reached their decision. The TV presentation was characterized by what I would call measured informed enthusiasm. Thankfully there were no gushing breathless backstage interviews. What a (welcome) contrast to the self-indulgence and over-excitement which, for me and I suspect others, marred the coverage of the final of the BBC Young Musician competition.


    • oddoneout
      Full Member
      • Nov 2015
      • 9531

      I listened to the final this afternoon and would agree with your comment LmcD about 2 weaker performances; however as I think the oldest of the 6 participants was still only 18, it's perhaps not surprising. The winner was as I expected. I think the language barrier prevented the backstage gushing and fortunately there was limited wittering from that Josie person(at least on radio), directed at members of the jury. Why is she wheeled out for such events?
      For me the most enjoyable performance was from the Hungarian finalist, whose semi recital I had also greatly enjoyed; the orchestra sounded as if they were having a good time with his chosen piece as well.


      • LMcD
        Full Member
        • Sep 2017
        • 8922

        I would have liked the saxophonist to win, as he really exploited the potential of his instrument. However, the Russian made the most of the advantage of going last, and chose a suitably barn-storming movement. I think he may have won the judges over with his showmanship - not unimportant when planning a career in the music business! For the second time in recent weeks I've been impressed by Petroc Trelawny's presentation.

