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  • Stanfordian
    Full Member
    • Dec 2010
    • 9367

    ITV Series - The Bay

    BBC Two - Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing, Series 1.
    I'm watching this series again - I enjoyed it that much.


    • Dave2002
      Full Member
      • Dec 2010
      • 18118

      Originally posted by LMcD View Post
      Petition has now been signed by 4.3 million people, nearly all in the UK.
      There is also an avaaz campaign starting up - really not sure if that makes sense at all. OK - the whole thing is now becoming (has become) a farce/fiasco - but there's so much mis information it's hard to know what to think. I don't even think the BBC does a good job of this - as there are too many vested interests with journalists and reporters doing their best to hype this up - presumably to keep their CVs and salaries up to date.

      I'm not a great fan of Jacob RM - but he has alerted some of us to the fact that the way Parliament and the government operates is not totally without bias - what he calls the "payroll" vote - and the recent whipping of MPs - which seems to have broken down - seems to shine a light on what might not after all be very desirable influences.

      Though how Sir Oliver Letwin can be proud of never going against the whip - I don't understand - but I do have quite a lot of respect for him. In yesterday's episode Dominic Grieve came off slightly better IMO. However, all credit to Sir OL for getting his amendment put forward and through.


      • Zucchini
        • Nov 2010
        • 917

        I liked 'arry's 'eroes beating krauts 4-2


        • jayne lee wilson
          • Jul 2011
          • 10711

          ​Extraordinary interview with Michael Heseltine on the Kay Burley show just now - even wiser, wittier and more ruthless about the state we're in and the state of his poor ragged apology of a ruling party than before. He's regularly wiped the floor with the Young Pretender Tory Brexiters on Any Questions over the last three years, with that effortless grasp of national, European and World Issues, that undimmed clarity of mind. The sole Tory Minister to see, and understand, what was going on here in Liverpool in the 1980s (brilliantly dramatised by Alan Bleasdale in GBH).

          One can easily imagine what intellectual (yet politically damaging and influential) featherweights like Mark Francois or Rees-Mogg would have to say about him, with what shallow, insulting language they would dismiss; their failure-to-grasp is their party-political loss (and probably ruination soon) but, much more seriously and broadly, on every cultural, economic and political measure, our own.

          Fantasy Cabinet: Anna Soubry, Emily Thornberry, Keir Starmer, Dominic Grieve, Jess Philips, and..... Michael Heseltine - as Special Adviser on European and International Affairs...
          Last edited by jayne lee wilson; 26-03-19, 14:52.


          • Bryn
            • Mar 2007
            • 24688

            Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
            ​Extraordinary interview with Michael Heseltine on the Kay Burley show just now - even wiser, wittier and more ruthless about the state we're in and the state of his poor ragged apology of a ruling party than before. He's regularly wiped the floor with the Young Pretender Tory Brexiters on Any Questions over the last three years, with that effortless grasp of national, European and World Issues, that undimmed clarity of mind. The sole Tory Minister to see, and understand, what was going on here in Liverpool in the 1980s (brilliantly dramatised by Alan Bleasdale in GBH).

            One can easily imagine what Political featherweights like Mark Francois or Rees-Mogg would have to say about him, with what shallow, insulting language they would dismiss; their failure-to-grasp is their party-political loss (and probably ruination soon) but, much more seriously and broadly, on every cultural, economic and political measure, our own.

            Fantasy Cabinet: Anna Soubry, Emily Thornberry, Keir Starmer, Dominic Grieve, Jess Philips, and..... Michael Heseltine - as Special Adviser on European and International Affairs...
            ISTR reading somewhere that in his misspent youth (i.e. at sclool) he was a member of the CPGB's Young Communist League.


            • Conchis
              • Jun 2014
              • 2396

              Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
              ​Extraordinary interview with Michael Heseltine on the Kay Burley show just now - even wiser, wittier and more ruthless about the state we're in and the state of his poor ragged apology of a ruling party than before. He's regularly wiped the floor with the Young Pretender Tory Brexiters on Any Questions over the last three years, with that effortless grasp of national, European and World Issues, that undimmed clarity of mind. The sole Tory Minister to see, and understand, what was going on here in Liverpool in the 1980s (brilliantly dramatised by Alan Bleasdale in GBH).

              One can easily imagine what intellectual (yet politically damaging and influential) featherweights like Mark Francois or Rees-Mogg would have to say about him, with what shallow, insulting language they would dismiss; their failure-to-grasp is their party-political loss (and probably ruination soon) but, much more seriously and broadly, on every cultural, economic and political measure, our own.

              Fantasy Cabinet: Anna Soubry, Emily Thornberry, Keir Starmer, Dominic Grieve, Jess Philips, and..... Michael Heseltine - as Special Adviser on European and International Affairs...
              No, thanks. The girl from the council estate, so made up about being give a ride in a Somerset nob's jag:


              • jayne lee wilson
                • Jul 2011
                • 10711

                Originally posted by Conchis View Post
                No, thanks. The girl from the council estate, so made up about being give a ride in a Somerset nob's jag:

                Grotesquely unfair, shell-like....FOUR (very long and disillusioning) YEARS ago in the life of young and idealistic MP shortly after her election (young women attaining positions of power or influence are often all too eager-to-please, don't I know it...).......more contemporary imagistic relevance shown by IDS, engineer of the dreadfully destructive pain-inflicting UCL, arriving at Chequers last weekend in his classic Morgan convertible...

                Philips' thoughts on May and the ERG now, as shown with her late night Commons interview yesterday, would be barely printable....


                • Conchis
                  • Jun 2014
                  • 2396

                  Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                  Grotesquely unfair, shell-like....FOUR (very long and disillusioning) YEARS ago in the life of young and idealistic MP shortly after her election (young women attaining positions of power or influence are often all too eager-to-please, don't I know it...).......more contemporary imagistic relevance shown by IDS, engineer of the dreadfully destructive pain-inflicting UCL, arriving at Chequers last weekend in his classic Morgan convertible...

                  Philips' thoughts on May and the ERG now, as shown with her late night Commons interview yesterday, would be barely printable....
                  Phillips is a natural 'gesture politician' - I fear, in government, she'd be another Clare Short (ie, someone who talks the language of rebellion but, when it comes to the crunch, knuckles down and does what she's told, for most of the time). I don't think she ever carried through on her (stated) intention of leaving her child on the steps of Downing Street as a complaint against schools not being able to stay open any longer. Frankly, I've had it with these MPs who pretend to be something they're not....


                  • vinteuil
                    Full Member
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 13214

                    Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post

                    Fantasy Cabinet: Anna Soubry, Emily Thornberry, Keir Starmer, Dominic Grieve, Jess Philips, and..... Michael Heseltine - as Special Adviser on European and International Affairs...
                    ... the inénarrable Lady Nugee?




                    • Conchis
                      • Jun 2014
                      • 2396

                      Originally posted by vinteuil View Post
                      ... the inénarrable Lady Nugee?



                      After her white van tweet, she can do no wrong for me. :)


                      • Dave2002
                        Full Member
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 18118

                        Traitors Channel 4

                        Finished watching this tonight. Quite interesting, though some - perhaps a lot - of historical inaccuracies.


                        • Serial_Apologist
                          Full Member
                          • Dec 2010
                          • 38224

                          Originally posted by jayne lee wilson View Post
                          ​Extraordinary interview with Michael Heseltine on the Kay Burley show just now - even wiser, wittier and more ruthless about the state we're in and the state of his poor ragged apology of a ruling party than before. He's regularly wiped the floor with the Young Pretender Tory Brexiters on Any Questions over the last three years, with that effortless grasp of national, European and World Issues, that undimmed clarity of mind. The sole Tory Minister to see, and understand, what was going on here in Liverpool in the 1980s (brilliantly dramatised by Alan Bleasdale in GBH).

                          One can easily imagine what intellectual (yet politically damaging and influential) featherweights like Mark Francois or Rees-Mogg would have to say about him, with what shallow, insulting language they would dismiss; their failure-to-grasp is their party-political loss (and probably ruination soon) but, much more seriously and broadly, on every cultural, economic and political measure, our own.

                          Fantasy Cabinet: Anna Soubry, Emily Thornberry, Keir Starmer, Dominic Grieve, Jess Philips, and..... Michael Heseltine - as Special Adviser on European and International Affairs...
                          This post illustrates just how far to the right the putative "centre" of British politics has shifted. Good grieve!


                          • johncorrigan
                            Full Member
                            • Nov 2010
                            • 10519

                            Sorry to repeat myself, but I think 'Fleabag' is genius.

                            I've also become rather addicted to 'Race Across the World' .


                            • ferneyhoughgeliebte
                              Gone fishin'
                              • Sep 2011
                              • 30163

                              Originally posted by johncorrigan View Post
                              Sorry to repeat myself, but I think 'Fleabag' is genius.
                              No need for any apology as far as I'm concerned, jc - "genius" is exactly the right word. (Just one example - the sidelong glances at the audience: could've become an irritating, predictable mannerism - PB-W has realized this and transformed it into a completely new element in her relaionship with the Priest [and, therefore, in the audience's insight into both characters].) Marvellous imagination and performances.
                              [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


                              • johncorrigan
                                Full Member
                                • Nov 2010
                                • 10519

                                Originally posted by ferneyhoughgeliebte View Post
                                (Just one example - the sidelong glances at the audience: could've become an irritating, predictable mannerism - PB-W has realized this and transformed it into a completely new element in her relaionship with the Priest [and, therefore, in the audience's insight into both characters].) Marvellous imagination and performances.
                                Completely agree, ferney. When that happened for the first last week it completely floored me - amazing performance by Andrew Scott. When he followed Fleabag's look into the camera this week I jumped...and Boo is such an incredible character. Yeah! Genius with a capital G!

