Originally posted by kernelbogey
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I read not long ago (sadly can't remember the name of the book or author) about just how much natural resources (daily wagonloads of corn etc.) were required to sustain a Roman legion or two on the frontiers of empire (either at the expense of the immediate locals, on top of sustaining themselves, or carted in from further away - how much corn was required to feed the oxen pulling the carts, etc. etc.). The environmental model was unsustainable, the system bound to collapse. Loads of other examples, Jared Diamond passim...Parallels with today - gas from Middle East brought here by ships powered by...gas...the resources used to create the infrastructure required to harness wind, etc. etc....
AA Gill did say, by way of explaining himself, that TV is a very lookist medium, and that if people invite themselves into our living rooms by way of the box in the corner that we're entitled to a point of view....