I seldom agree with the Daily Mail but I am firmly in the gratuitous camp here in relation to the violence shown .
Not so much the deliberately shocking executions of the first scenes or the burning of the Spanish heretics but if you went on to watch episode 2 there is a torture scene that appeared to go on for an age . It was gratuitous and unnecessary - the point had been effectively made as to the barbarity and brutality of Stuart punishments and torture but by this stage they appeared to be revelling in it and seeking to distract from the rather tedious script .
Not so much the deliberately shocking executions of the first scenes or the burning of the Spanish heretics but if you went on to watch episode 2 there is a torture scene that appeared to go on for an age . It was gratuitous and unnecessary - the point had been effectively made as to the barbarity and brutality of Stuart punishments and torture but by this stage they appeared to be revelling in it and seeking to distract from the rather tedious script .