A long awaited outing for Luis Bunuel's 1928 silent surrealist classic, Un Chien Andalou, albeit not for the squeamish! The script co-written with Salvador Dali. Also two consecutive documentaries on surrealism from 21.00hrs. Essential viewing for me after some dire scheduling on BBC 4 of late, eg, I've just looked at the website for Friday, 31 March, and squirmed when I saw that Top of the Pops (TOTP) are featured for 7 consecutive hours, 21.00-04.00hrs.
In turn, I opted for a more tantalising alternative as I transferred several off-air videos to DVD during the week: Peter Brook's stylish production of Don Giovanni, (2002), A 2004 Prom; Debussy La Mer and Messiaen, Eclairs sur l'Au-dela...(Illuminations of the beyond), BPO/Simon Rattle; and a 2008 Prom, RVW anniversary. 'Mettle more attractive'.
Recorder at the ready, strictly for my own use, of course.
