HD recorder at the ready for two inviting programmes on Sunday's TV, 23 Oct;
BBC 4, 22.00-23.00hrs, a documentary in the Arena series featuring The Roundhouse at Chalk Farm, NW1. My memories focus on the 60s and 70's, particularly the first five years of the latter, an era of social turbulence, high inflation, when parties could loose an election by a deficit in our balance of payments, viz 1970, or lose power two years later, with an election slogan, "Who Rules?" - Ted Heath got a rude awakening in the country's response! End of political comment.
The RH was managed by the formidable Thelma Holt and the old engine shed hosted many productions from the RSC, or independent production companies, Nicol Williamson's, Hamlet, comes readily to mind, and I recall an imported French production, directed by Jean Louis Barrault, staged in-the-round. I sat opposite M. Barrault, and, instead of reading the translation notes, spent most of the time watching the changing expression on his face which indicated his intention. Ken Tynan's infamous, O Calcutta! and its frequent nudity left me limp
but it transferred to the West End and substantial royalties for him at the Royalty, off Kingsway. But Ibsen, Wesker, Warhol and Beckett were all well represented and, unusually, attracted a youngish clientele. It was also an era of widespread drug taking; pot-smoking - deals even made near the famous Marine Ices shop opposite, or in the precincts of the theatre. I gather that the premises have now been renovated and trust the energy, commitment, even anger of an earlier generation still prevails.
Earlier, on BBC4, I'm keen to see British Art at War- Nash, 19.00-20.00hrs.
BBC 4, 22.00-23.00hrs, a documentary in the Arena series featuring The Roundhouse at Chalk Farm, NW1. My memories focus on the 60s and 70's, particularly the first five years of the latter, an era of social turbulence, high inflation, when parties could loose an election by a deficit in our balance of payments, viz 1970, or lose power two years later, with an election slogan, "Who Rules?" - Ted Heath got a rude awakening in the country's response! End of political comment.
The RH was managed by the formidable Thelma Holt and the old engine shed hosted many productions from the RSC, or independent production companies, Nicol Williamson's, Hamlet, comes readily to mind, and I recall an imported French production, directed by Jean Louis Barrault, staged in-the-round. I sat opposite M. Barrault, and, instead of reading the translation notes, spent most of the time watching the changing expression on his face which indicated his intention. Ken Tynan's infamous, O Calcutta! and its frequent nudity left me limp

Earlier, on BBC4, I'm keen to see British Art at War- Nash, 19.00-20.00hrs.