Nearing the end of a re-read of E M Forster's Where Angels fear to tread. As always I am amazed at the quality of his writing, the subtlety of his characters and his 'between-the-lines' comments on them as he goes along. I re-read his books frequently. This copy I bought in 1974 for 25p! The only one I don't care for is The Longest Journey, I think because I don't find the characters sufficiently sympathetic .
What are you reading now?
Not terribly intellectual, but I am really enjoying Sir Lew Grade's autobiography - an incredible rags-to-riches story of a Russian Jewish refugee coming to London; he worked his way up the hard way and the early stories of his survival are fascinating, including becoming the world champion Charleston dancer! A great read.
Little Dorrit
Not sure there's a funnier novel by Dickens, Pickwick notwithstanding: the depiction of the ailing "Father of the Marshalsea" berating his elderly brother for signs of decrepitude ("You're looking very frail Frederick"), or his violent attack on the love smitten junior turnkey, John Chivery, for insolently seeking him out once he has resumed his rightful place in society. Too many moments of high comedy to list but memorable above all are the violent family retainer Flintwinch with his perpetual token of nuptial affection "I'll give you such a dose of physic, Affery my woman", and the slatternly Mrs Plornish who is considered a paragon of linguistic ability by the inhabitants of Bleeding Heart Yard with her "translations" "ee say ee verry bad man" etc.
Originally posted by Sir Velo View PostLittle Dorrit
Not sure there's a funnier novel by Dickens, Pickwick notwithstanding: the depiction of the ailing "Father of the Marshalsea" berating his elderly brother for signs of decrepitude ("You're looking very frail Frederick"), or his violent attack on the love smitten junior turnkey, John Chivery, for insolently seeking him out once he has resumed his rightful place in society. Too many moments of high comedy to list but memorable above all are the violent family retainer Flintwinch with his perpetual token of nuptial affection "I'll give you such a dose of physic, Affery my woman", and the slatternly Mrs Plornish who is considered a paragon of linguistic ability by the inhabitants of Bleeding Heart Yard with her "translations" "ee say ee verry bad man" etc.
I was never a Dickens fan, but in recent years I've come round to him and can endorse the above remarks. One thing I love is the way all his characters speak in their own way, with little tics and mannerisms , as in real life. I could't but contrast this with Alexander McCall Smith, whose novels seem to be written in easy-read, standard English, and seem so dull to me.
Claudia Pineiro's 'Thursday Night widows' proved impossible to put down. Not sure why this was categorised as crime novel although the first chapter culminated with 3 bodies in a swimming pool. The book is extremity well written and the book is effectively about how the affluent lives of the residents of a enclosed community are affected by the straightened financial circumstances in 3arly 2000's Argentina.
I find Pineiro to be a brilliant writer and on a par with Iain McEwan . It is thought provoking stuff, the ending not being so much a twist or who done it and rather a tragic underscoring of how mismanagement of the Argentine economy ultimately destroyed lives built on sand. This is the 3rd book of her's I have read and all three have impressed.
This could be on A funny thing or Drama to be eradicated. But I've chosen here:
I was in the caff earlier where my chosen reading was the Penguin 60 edition of Plato's Phaedrus. I took it with me to try and work out whether actors might be able to deliver the lines in an entertaining way for Drama on 3. When my food arrived I laid the book on the table and after a few minutes became acutely aware of how deliberately ostentatious/pretentious this might appear
Au contraire (as we say round here), I had been genuinely struck by how hilariously funny I was finding it; and more, how I could identify with Socrates in the face of "Know thyself", trying to work out what kind of a person he was, whether: " ... a more complicated and puffed-up sort of animal than Typho or whether I am a gentler, simpler creature, endowed by heaven with with a nature altogether less typhonic."
I often wonder whether, when I post on the forum, I am an intellectual genius or a thumping idiot. But my heart bleeds that nowadays so many are fated never to discover the sheer entertainment of a work like Phaedrus.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
There's a moment in Close My Eyes where Alan Rickman's character says to Clive Owen's character 'What's that you're reading ? (raised voice ) Proust? (incredulous ) VOLUME EIGHT??!'
Paul Crossley asked Michael Tippett if he agreed that there was a thin dividing line between genius and insanity. Michael: Of course there is, love. I cross it all the time!'
Originally posted by vinteuil View PostOften, in a generous act of kindness, fellow forumites provide a useful mirror...Was my comment ignored because the argument was so far above people's intellectual level that they didn't understand it? Or so stupid it was not worth a reply? As So-craytes said, "I've not yet succeeded in obeying the Delphic injunction to 'know myself' [sic] ..."`
Probably the answer is to add the two together and divide by 2.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.