This (below) is clearly not something original, since it's in my back garden and cost pounds rather than hundreds, or thousands &c, But I'm assuming that somewhere there is/was an original. The junk shop had two 'matching' plaques, but I didn't get the other because it seemed to me to be of another style.
Question: I took this to be a Roman portrait (with the oak-leaf wreath). Would anyone else think it might be a 'Romanised' but actually 15/16th-c style (sort of like a Shakespearean Caesar)? - in which case the other plaque might go with it. Or does it even strike as being more Renaissance than Roman? Comments appreciated:
Question: I took this to be a Roman portrait (with the oak-leaf wreath). Would anyone else think it might be a 'Romanised' but actually 15/16th-c style (sort of like a Shakespearean Caesar)? - in which case the other plaque might go with it. Or does it even strike as being more Renaissance than Roman? Comments appreciated:
