Authors in the BBC Archive

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  • aeolium
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 3992

    Authors in the BBC Archive

    Following a thread on the Performance board recollecting aspects of the Third programme, I thought people might be interested in looking at some of these items on film from the BBC Archive, with many interviews of C20 authors:

    They are generally short pieces and I'm sure that like me you can think of writers who don't feature who you would have preferred to see rather than some who do feature, but there are some interesting interviews. With some of the older interviews I am impressed with the seriousness with which both interviewer and interviewee address the subject, even if the interviews can seem unnaturally formal.

    Ages ago there was a project initiated to open up much of the BBC Archive, including the sound archive, but I sometimes think that this wonderful material will only be uncovered by archaeologists a century or so hence as they rummage through the ruins of London. Such a shame that so much of it is kept under lock and key.
  • kernelbogey
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 5875

    There's also the National Sound Archive, which is accessible:

    Sorry this page was not found.


    • aeolium
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3992

      Much of the sound archive is restricted to the public (i.e. those who are unable to go to the British Library) - most of the talks, poetry readings and drama productions on the BBC for instance are not available.


      • salymap
        Late member
        • Nov 2010
        • 5969

        aeolium Thanks for that. I've put them on favourites to read at my leisure. Iremember some of them, John Braine, Iris Murdoch, Salman Rushdie etc.
        Last edited by salymap; 26-01-11, 17:21. Reason: correcting Rushdie's name

