The Evolution of Language
Originally posted by french frank View Post...
Ceffyl, like fenestr &c., came into Welsh via the Norman French invaders, which explains how a word of Latin origin crops up in a Celtic language.
Originally posted by Frances_iom View PostMost terms with religious(Christian) connection in Manx come from Latin - see for a technical (tho now old description)
Yes, although e.g. French developed from Vulgar Latin, once ecclesiastics, thinkers and historians wanted to write in their vernacular instead of in "classical" Latin, they didn't have the terms they needed because Vulgar Latin (of the 'common man') didn't have them. So they had to dive back into Latin and borrow the terms directly. That happened with English, too. Latin had been the written lingua franca of all educated people so those terms did exist in Latin. And so with Manx, it seems - churchmen similarly borrowed from Latin for ideas and things which their own language lacked.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.