The culmination of 'Montaigne week' on Sunday 23rd. Stephen Wakelam's play, Living with Princes: "In 1588, the essayist and landowner Michel de Montaigne, set out on a journey round the troubled kingdom of France. He was on a mission - to reconcile the Valois King Henri the Third, a Catholic, with his likely successor, the Bourbon King of Navarre, a Protestant. It's high stakes: intensified Civil War the consequence of failure."
Montaigne is played by Roger Allam and Catherine de Medici by Jane Lapotaire.
It sounds like the Wakelam specialism of taking historical/literary figures and writing a drama round them. As a play, possibly more to Simon's taste than mine ...
Montaigne is played by Roger Allam and Catherine de Medici by Jane Lapotaire.
It sounds like the Wakelam specialism of taking historical/literary figures and writing a drama round them. As a play, possibly more to Simon's taste than mine ...
