frenchfrank - Thank you for your comments. I like Ian and support the programme. As you say, each person will have a view of each edition but hopefully some of my summaries will encourage people to give it a go. In fairness, many would probably have enjoyed this week's one but it wasn't my kind of thing. If I say what I feel, it is better than just giving rave reviews. Of course, I wish Peter, Naomi, etc the very best in what they do.
Calum - I have just taken the time to read the essay you posted. It really is excellent and it deserves a thread of its own. So much of it could apply to today although a few possible differences stand out. Power residing in the old? Gentleness? A fundamental morality in leaders? I think that there is now a case for and a case against the first two. As for the third, I feel that it has gone the other way - Lat.
Calum - I have just taken the time to read the essay you posted. It really is excellent and it deserves a thread of its own. So much of it could apply to today although a few possible differences stand out. Power residing in the old? Gentleness? A fundamental morality in leaders? I think that there is now a case for and a case against the first two. As for the third, I feel that it has gone the other way - Lat.