Anthony Burgess was ill-served by many critics in his lifetime, for they believed him to be a show-off, too competitive, eager for recognition, a talent spread too thinly ...
Not my assessment but largely his own (particularly the bit about critics) He knew that his gifts were prodigious but perhaps his humble beginnings in Manchester made him a bit too chippy for comfort. He wrote initially in part because he needed the money. More financially secure after the success of Kubrick's notorious film of A Clockwork Orange, he went to live in Monaco. The story goes that when his magnificent romping novel Earthly Powers was shortlisted for the Booker prize, he refused to turn up to hear who had won once he'd been told that it wasn't him
A blue plaque commemorating his life and his work is to be unveiled at Manchester University today. And they're going to play a piece of his music, for he was not a mere novelist but also a critic, essayist, contrarian and a composer
Those funny whiffs he smoked on television, that dodgy comb-over, the writing (deliberately) full of words that you have to look up - who reads Anthony Burgess these days and what do you think of him with the benefit of hindsight?
Not my assessment but largely his own (particularly the bit about critics) He knew that his gifts were prodigious but perhaps his humble beginnings in Manchester made him a bit too chippy for comfort. He wrote initially in part because he needed the money. More financially secure after the success of Kubrick's notorious film of A Clockwork Orange, he went to live in Monaco. The story goes that when his magnificent romping novel Earthly Powers was shortlisted for the Booker prize, he refused to turn up to hear who had won once he'd been told that it wasn't him
A blue plaque commemorating his life and his work is to be unveiled at Manchester University today. And they're going to play a piece of his music, for he was not a mere novelist but also a critic, essayist, contrarian and a composer
Those funny whiffs he smoked on television, that dodgy comb-over, the writing (deliberately) full of words that you have to look up - who reads Anthony Burgess these days and what do you think of him with the benefit of hindsight?