"Manchester Central Library is in the midst of a £170m, three-year restoration of its elegant domed and porticoed building, built in the Great Depression as a symbol of hope. A vast circular inscription from Proverbs exhorts citizens to "exalt wisdom and she shall promote thee".
Campaigners describe the pulping of at least 210,000 non-fiction books as "cultural vandalism on an industrial scale". They point out that the book collections are as important as the fabric of the building. The letter describes the collection stored in the stacks under the library as an invaluable resource not just for the north-west but for the whole country, rivalled only by the British Library in Camden, north London."
The letter of protest
Campaigners describe the pulping of at least 210,000 non-fiction books as "cultural vandalism on an industrial scale". They point out that the book collections are as important as the fabric of the building. The letter describes the collection stored in the stacks under the library as an invaluable resource not just for the north-west but for the whole country, rivalled only by the British Library in Camden, north London."
The letter of protest
