A thank you - and then to the subject of Literary Festivals

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  • Lateralthinking1
    • Mar 2025

    A thank you - and then to the subject of Literary Festivals

    As I write, the top 12 threads on this part of the forum display 12 different names. As one of the hosts, I find this very heartening. I would like to thank everyone who has recently contributed threads and posts. In some cases, I have deliberately held back from adding further comment but I have found them all interesting to read.

    Having said as much, this thread will probably sink without trace.

    I would be interested to hear of any good and bad experiences at literary festivals. Which ones would you recommend and which were disappointing? What are your practical tips for enjoying them to the full? This website looks quite good to me as a starting place for anyone considering attending one. Are there any other useful websites?

  • Flosshilde
    Full Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 7988

    I've only been to a couple of literary/book festival session - in Edinburgh & Glasgow. Most of the session seem to me to be simply promotion for the author's latest book. The same authors crop up at different festivals, & no doubt say much the same thing. The attendees (?) at Edinburgh also seemed to be very homogenous - middle class & probably Guardian reading. Ghastly.

    The Wigtown festival does have a reputation for being a bit better than the average, & developing a proper festival atmosphere, but I haven't been.

    I think I have an aversion to listening to authors talking about their books - I'd rather just read them. I feel much the same about book clubs.

    The only event of that nature that I've really enjoyed & found informative was a discussion between Richard Long & the Rev. Holloway when the former had a major exhibition in the National Gallery of Modern Art. It was followed by a general discussion with 'the floor', & the whole thing was informative & thoughtful.

