Free Thinking 2011: broadcast details

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  • french frank
    • Feb 2007
    • 30788

    Free Thinking 2011: broadcast details

    Attendance at this year's Free Thinking event was up 51% on last year, not surprising with names like Jimmy Wales, the Revd Dr Giles Fraser and William Hague on the list of speakers.

    The post-event press release is here, and this is a full list of broadcasts:

    Fri 11 Nov,10.00pm - The Verb New Gen Thinker David Petts

    Mon 14 Nov, 10.00pm - Linda Colley

    Tues 15 Nov, 10.00pm - Julian Savulescu

    Weds 16 Nov, 10.00pm - Can We Stop the Mania for Change?

    Thurs 17 Nov, 10.00pm - What is the Future of Civilisation as the Oil runs out?

    Fri 18 Nov, 10.00pm - Aditya Chakrabortty

    Mon 21 Nov, 10.00pm - Susie Orbach

    Tues 22 Nov, 10.00pm - Were the Luddites Right?

    Weds 23 Nov, 10.00pm - Sarah-Jayne Blakemore

    Thurs 24 Nov, 10.00pm - Charles Jencks

    Sat 26 Nov, 9.00pm - Between The Ears: Horse

    The press release gives a few more details of individual 'Free Thoughts' which might stimulate discussion here.
    It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
  • ferneyhoughgeliebte
    Gone fishin'
    • Sep 2011
    • 30163

    Weds 16 Nov, 10.00pm - Can We Stop the Mania for Change?
    Given by RW?
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS][I][B]Numquam Satis![/B][/I][/FONT]


    • aeolium
      Full Member
      • Nov 2010
      • 3992

      What about the broadcasts this past week, ff? For instance Germaine Greer last Thursday. Or was this (on Friday) simply a list of the broadcasts still to be given?


      • french frank
        • Feb 2007
        • 30788

        Originally posted by aeolium View Post
        Or was this (on Friday) simply a list of the broadcasts still to be given?
        Probably, since the first was the Friday evening one which I should have deleted and then billed the rest as forthcoming broadcasts.

        Any thoughts on Greer?

        [In a lecture that questioned the pursuit of freedom, Germaine Greer predicted a grim future for women in the Arab Spring countries of the Middle East. She also claimed that the UK riots were a response to dissatisfaction with a life of 'surveillance'.]

        The last free thought I heard she was arguing that everyone should live in high rise flats )
        It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.


        • aeolium
          Full Member
          • Nov 2010
          • 3992

          Any thoughts on Greer?
          I haven't listened as yet - I just saw her name on the R3 schedules for last week. It doesn't look a very persuasive argument - does she think that the past for women in the Arab Spring countries under people like Gaddafi and Mubarak was other than grim?

          I do find the concept of 'New Generation Thinker' a bit strange


          • Serial_Apologist
            Full Member
            • Dec 2010
            • 38162

            Originally posted by french frank View Post
            Probably, since the first was the Friday evening one which I should have deleted and then billed the rest as forthcoming broadcasts.

            Any thoughts on Greer?

            [In a lecture that questioned the pursuit of freedom, Germaine Greer predicted a grim future for women in the Arab Spring countries of the Middle East. She also claimed that the UK riots were a response to dissatisfaction with a life of 'surveillance'.]

            The last free thought I heard she was arguing that everyone should live in high rise flats )
            I'm afraid that for someone I once held in the highest regard, my initial impression was that Greer spoke a lot of nonsense, and the audience lapped it up. I shall of course have to listen again when I have more time, (this London Jazz Festival eh?).


            • handsomefortune

              everyone should live in high rise flats

              perhaps she thought she was at 'trapped thinking' 2012?

              gg's 'to do' list over the next year or so, is probably lengthy....

              just as she's apparently past her best in terms of integrity, new ideas and approaches, she'll predictably have a very high media profile? (shame, as it's just pension-plumping-speak probably, but so many sucumb to it lately)? i'm wondering if she too had links with NI tbh! .

              (imv, previous 'freethinking' speaker, will self has 'gorne right orf' too. anyone else hear him bragging on r4, about having r4 controller py round, for a huge party at self's (presumably huge) home....evidently he has no idea what a total creep he sounds. 'self' is a deeply appropriate name for a tory mind you)?

              New Generation Thinker'

              yes, scarily, just the one, the rest are thought-free?

              does anyone else find william hague's selection as a guest at this event slightly ludicrous? a bit of an 'ill gnomen', as far as perceptions of originality, progress, or 'thoughtfulness' go..... he might be good at a twin promotion campaign - alongside gove's 'free gnome' sticker stall, fundraiser for 'the little society' ...but surely, neither would be able to mount an adult size stage, not without tremendous extra expense/risk!

              so, as a logical part of slimline austerity measures, imv maybe give susie orbach extra time instead. subject: 'beeb controllers' thoughts are widely perceived to be clinically obese', is this a feminist issue, or should everyone feel free to worry? discuss.


              • handsomefortune

                here's the free thinking festival iplayer listen agains ....all posted as of 'today'.

