... to alert all fans of Myles na Gopaleen - Brother Barnabas - Count O'Blather...
Radio 4 (well, you weren't expecting Radio 3 would have the serious couillons to take this on, now would you?) will on Tuesday tomorrow, that is the Fourth of October, starting at 11.30 in the morning with The Man With Many Names - and then later on, at 3.30 in the afternoon (and the two afternoons following) with episodes of The Brother - be giving us all a little Flann O'Brian fest to cheer us up. Nice!
Radio 4 (well, you weren't expecting Radio 3 would have the serious couillons to take this on, now would you?) will on Tuesday tomorrow, that is the Fourth of October, starting at 11.30 in the morning with The Man With Many Names - and then later on, at 3.30 in the afternoon (and the two afternoons following) with episodes of The Brother - be giving us all a little Flann O'Brian fest to cheer us up. Nice!