I haven't read any of his most recent novels but a few years ago he was a favourite author. I was a long time being persuaded to read The Remains of the Day purely because I'd never heard of it/him until the film was made. I then became sniffy about reading it
When I did get round to it (I never saw the film) I was completely won over, amazed that a writer who I'd lazily categorised as 'Japanese' should have been so inside the English world and idiom.
I then read A Pale View of Hills, An Artist of the Floating World, When We Were Orphans and the strange The Unconsoled, all keeping him at the top of my reading list.
Lazy as ever
I was put off by the novelettish title Never Let Me Go and have read none of the later ones. Time to reread, at least, the ones on my shelves.

I then read A Pale View of Hills, An Artist of the Floating World, When We Were Orphans and the strange The Unconsoled, all keeping him at the top of my reading list.
Lazy as ever
