Saddened to hear the news of Peter Shaffer's death at 90. I recall seeing Five Finger Exercise at the Comedy Theatre, London, in 1958, a time when I was settling for life in the capital. He brought a sharp perception to his portayal of a dysfunctional family at a time when the 'french window' play was in serious decline. John Gielgud's production enjoyed a lengthy run of several years and the play launched the careers of Brian Bedford and Michael Bryant. However, Shaffer also registered at the emerging National Theatre at the Old Vic with a succession of plays which demonstrated his versatility. The Royal Hunt of the Sun, Equus and particularly Peter Hall's production of Amadeus, 1979, which triggered a ferocious debate in the national press over several months - I always think of the 1970s as the glory days of the NT. RIP, Sir Peter Shaffer.
