Guy Fawkes goes global
Richard Tarleton
...offers this to the faithful ...
Ne was ther swich another pardoner,
For in his male he hadde a pilwe-beer,
Which that, he seyde, was oure lady veyl;
He seyde he hadde a gobet of the seyl
That Seïnt Peter hadde whan that he wente
Upon the see til Jhesu Crist hym hente.
He hadde a croys of latoun ful of stones,
And in a glas he hadde pigges bones.
But with thise relikes, whan that he fond
A poure person dwellynge upon lond,
Upon a day he gat hym moore moneye
Than that the person gat in monthes tweye......
Chaucer, Canterbury Tales (Portrait of the Pardoner in the Prologue)Last edited by Guest; 19-07-13, 13:45.
Originally posted by amateur51 View Post
As for the masks themseves these were banned by the secular state's security services not by 'the Catholic hierarchy' as you quite erroneously stated. The masked protests were directed, of course, against the Brazilian government not the Pope who, no doubt most infuriatingly for Amsey 'n' Flossie, was accompanied by millions of the enthusiastic faithful on Copacabana beach where love of anything or anyone Argentinian has reportedly not been previously particularly apparent.
Up to three million pilgrims hear Pope Francis address an all-night vigil on Brazil's Copacabana Beach - and remain in place for a Mass on Sunday.
Pretty impressive turnout, eh ... ?
And, remember, Guy Fawkes was one of us in any case, so the 'Catholic hierarchy' were probably just as annoyed about the banning of the masks as you.