... several different items in the media have rubbed an existing but growing disenchantment with how we do things in the UK; we are world class 'not talkers', especially about the things that are embarrassing to us or the establishment ...
this piece is for USA readers but it contains this telling paragraph:
Finland is always one of the best performing nations on educational criteria ....
and we have as Mr A Neill has prominently announced on TV done away with the grammar school kids .... everyone has to go 'private' or 'bog standard' in the UK ... in this Country we subject ourselves to the most basic division in our society with our choice of private and public education ... i doubt we could ever realise the Finnish practice of one system staffed by professionals with autonomous responsibility for their own work ... or match their social mobility
but this piece also highlights a facet of the issue .. we are preoccupied and find it hard to address the issues of so called 'elitism'
Hilary Mantel's wonderful insights into the Royal Women as objects of contemplation also shows us that we are still wedded to the post imperial monarchy and its pretensions to majesty [and how effectively they do pretend!]
the elephant in the room is class and status, our culture is shot through with distinctions, 'edges' or lines that may not be crossed, superiority either implied or inferred with venomous dislike ... these days it has a managerialist and meritocratic market ideology about it, but the loot still carries the weight hence the bonuses and soaring salaries at the upper ends ...
what fascinates though is that the demographics of the old rigidities of class have changed, the right thinking classes are older and smaller [the Tory back benches are reflection of the ageing dry bones europhobes and the new generation of privately educated middle class middle aged nasty party types but look at UKIP and its recent polling .....
we are in the midst of decline, not just the financial crisis and its consequences .... but as the end of empire still takes its time, some aspects of class are growing wildly pernicious ... the income differentials are truly intimidating to any who pay attention to the social and personal consequences of poverty and powerlessness in highly unequal societies; ... the demographics and the face of the class system are changing but class is reinventing its presence and potency in our midst with private education at its deep rooted radical driver
so we fuss and fret at any imposed social exclusion that might be termed 'elitist' ... novel opera painting whatever ... but continue to live and behave in a society riddled with exclusions and social distances that we scarce acknowledge ... and hence the opprobrium for 'elitist' intellectuals or aesthetes .... who may ironically may be the truest protagonists of human equality and social justice that we have ...
opposition to our class system is not crystallised and the demographics move onwards to an older native and younger and faster child bearing immigrant population .... we are a remarkably multi cultural society in many respects but the fascination is to see how our class system reproduces itself now ....it is and it is more and more unequal, unjust; and distressing that we do not see it as the issue in the UK ... it is so deeply entwined with our concepts of nationhood, gender, regional identities and notions of 'career' ...
it is the spirit of 44, the Education Act that we are losing along with the spirit of Beveridge ... we stand no chance of "rebalancing our economy" without facing up to the challenge of rebalancing our society and culture ... the middle is not being squeezed but squashed, it already has the neo liberal boot on its collective face and the great corporate vampire squid sucking the £ out of its life
this piece is for USA readers but it contains this telling paragraph:
Yet one of the most significant things Sahlberg said passed practically unnoticed. "Oh," he mentioned at one point, "and there are no private schools in Finland."
This notion may seem difficult for an American to digest, but it's true. Only a small number of independent schools exist in Finland, and even they are all publicly financed. None is allowed to charge tuition fees. There are no private universities, either. This means that practically every person in Finland attends public school, whether for pre-K or a Ph.D.
This notion may seem difficult for an American to digest, but it's true. Only a small number of independent schools exist in Finland, and even they are all publicly financed. None is allowed to charge tuition fees. There are no private universities, either. This means that practically every person in Finland attends public school, whether for pre-K or a Ph.D.
and we have as Mr A Neill has prominently announced on TV done away with the grammar school kids .... everyone has to go 'private' or 'bog standard' in the UK ... in this Country we subject ourselves to the most basic division in our society with our choice of private and public education ... i doubt we could ever realise the Finnish practice of one system staffed by professionals with autonomous responsibility for their own work ... or match their social mobility
but this piece also highlights a facet of the issue .. we are preoccupied and find it hard to address the issues of so called 'elitism'
Hilary Mantel's wonderful insights into the Royal Women as objects of contemplation also shows us that we are still wedded to the post imperial monarchy and its pretensions to majesty [and how effectively they do pretend!]
the elephant in the room is class and status, our culture is shot through with distinctions, 'edges' or lines that may not be crossed, superiority either implied or inferred with venomous dislike ... these days it has a managerialist and meritocratic market ideology about it, but the loot still carries the weight hence the bonuses and soaring salaries at the upper ends ...
what fascinates though is that the demographics of the old rigidities of class have changed, the right thinking classes are older and smaller [the Tory back benches are reflection of the ageing dry bones europhobes and the new generation of privately educated middle class middle aged nasty party types but look at UKIP and its recent polling .....
we are in the midst of decline, not just the financial crisis and its consequences .... but as the end of empire still takes its time, some aspects of class are growing wildly pernicious ... the income differentials are truly intimidating to any who pay attention to the social and personal consequences of poverty and powerlessness in highly unequal societies; ... the demographics and the face of the class system are changing but class is reinventing its presence and potency in our midst with private education at its deep rooted radical driver
so we fuss and fret at any imposed social exclusion that might be termed 'elitist' ... novel opera painting whatever ... but continue to live and behave in a society riddled with exclusions and social distances that we scarce acknowledge ... and hence the opprobrium for 'elitist' intellectuals or aesthetes .... who may ironically may be the truest protagonists of human equality and social justice that we have ...
opposition to our class system is not crystallised and the demographics move onwards to an older native and younger and faster child bearing immigrant population .... we are a remarkably multi cultural society in many respects but the fascination is to see how our class system reproduces itself now ....it is and it is more and more unequal, unjust; and distressing that we do not see it as the issue in the UK ... it is so deeply entwined with our concepts of nationhood, gender, regional identities and notions of 'career' ...
it is the spirit of 44, the Education Act that we are losing along with the spirit of Beveridge ... we stand no chance of "rebalancing our economy" without facing up to the challenge of rebalancing our society and culture ... the middle is not being squeezed but squashed, it already has the neo liberal boot on its collective face and the great corporate vampire squid sucking the £ out of its life