Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo
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the Austerity Con or Con
Beef Oven
My memory tells me that the misbehaviour of the banks were principally to blame for the austerity measures being implemented in UK. They have been punished with fines. You might have thought then then any income accruing from this punishment of the banks would be applied (with some imagination) to avoiding some of this austerity.
But hold! What's this?
A memorial wall bearing the names of troops who lost their lives in Afghanistan will be built in Britain using money from banking fines, the Prime Minister announces.
"More than £300,000 worth of fines from the Libor scandal will be used to construct a sandstone memorial at the national arboretum in Staffordshire.
A further £3.5million will be spent on other charitable projects including support for military families and programmes providing mental health support the veterans.
A memorial wall at Camp Bastion will be dismantled and the materials used to build the new wall.
Speaking in Camp Bastion during an official visit, Mr Cameron said: "I think Armed Forces Day is just an opportunity to say a very big thank you but also to say how proud we are of our armed forces."
So it's being used as a vanity project for the Prime Minister, a PR effort to try to buy off his critics while still not acknowledging the feelings of those who regret deeply the last ten years in Afghanistan and the Chancellor Osborne's bungling attempts to get the economy back into growth. "We're all is this together" - yeah right, Dave
Originally posted by Flosshilde View PostShouldn't that come from the War Office budget?
Originally posted by teamsaint View Post
Originally posted by amateur51 View PostMy memory tells me that the misbehaviour of the banks were principally to blame for the austerity measures being implemented in UK. They have been punished with fines. You might have thought then then any income accruing from this punishment of the banks would be applied (with some imagination) to avoiding some of this austerity.
But hold! What's this?
A memorial wall bearing the names of troops who lost their lives in Afghanistan will be built in Britain using money from banking fines, the Prime Minister announces.
"More than £300,000 worth of fines from the Libor scandal will be used to construct a sandstone memorial at the national arboretum in Staffordshire.
A further £3.5million will be spent on other charitable projects including support for military families and programmes providing mental health support the veterans.
A memorial wall at Camp Bastion will be dismantled and the materials used to build the new wall.
Speaking in Camp Bastion during an official visit, Mr Cameron said: "I think Armed Forces Day is just an opportunity to say a very big thank you but also to say how proud we are of our armed forces."
So it's being used as a vanity project for the Prime Minister, a PR effort to try to buy off his critics while still not acknowledging the feelings of those who regret deeply the last ten years in Afghanistan and the Chancellor Osborne's bungling attempts to get the economy back into growth. "We're all is this together" - yeah right, Dave
Originally posted by teamsaint View PostEd Balls, man of the people speaks.
"If"? Can there be any doubt?
time for a positive approach, or the despair will kill us all ...
i like this framing of the issues, it is common sense pragmatism, non ideological and actually more supported by evidence from the real world than owt else ... shame about the 'middle out' tag thoughAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
on the other hand the con goes on .... warning reading this will seriously depress your moodAccording to the best estimates of astronomers there are at least one hundred billion galaxies in the observable universe.
Originally posted by aka Calum Da Jazbo View Poston the other hand the con goes on .... warning reading this will seriously depress your mood
Many thanks once more for posting a vital link, Calum
I'm sure on the jobs front that a great many of the jobs being created in fiscal sector are in fact jobs that are putting right the sins of the past....like mis-sold PPI, Insurance, morgages, financial poackages etc etc etc ....just this week I got £128 back from Swinton Insurance because they mis-sold car hire on my car policy....at a rough guess off the top of my head I'd say there are 100,000 people employed putting these wrongs to right....
Speed read CON article....Yuck!! Hmmmm....Please Entity in Sky that does not exist....give me strength....and a glass of water to take this bile from my mouth....bong ching