I've not thought in detail about the so-called big bang for a few days.
I came across this - http://burro.cwru.edu/stu/advanced/cosmos_history.html
Even if it might not all be true (I have no way of knowing) it's almost unbelievable stuff.
One thing which I really can't get is the expansion of the universe. If this is isotropic, then I don't quite see how the universe can be dated.
If there was a big bang at some central point, then it would form the origin, presumably of both space and time. Perhaps the current understanding by some of the events at the "start" of the universe is that there is a time origin, but maybe no space origin.
I came across this - http://burro.cwru.edu/stu/advanced/cosmos_history.html
Even if it might not all be true (I have no way of knowing) it's almost unbelievable stuff.
One thing which I really can't get is the expansion of the universe. If this is isotropic, then I don't quite see how the universe can be dated.
If there was a big bang at some central point, then it would form the origin, presumably of both space and time. Perhaps the current understanding by some of the events at the "start" of the universe is that there is a time origin, but maybe no space origin.