... why is that seemingly such an important question? I can imagine a Roman Empire era scottycelt saying the same thing about democracy (the Greeks tried it for a while, didn't catch on) or, for that matter, a government not headed by a hereditary monarch (yes, we Romans had a go at that but the backstabbing got too much).
Oh yes, Kerala - isn't that a state which democratically elected a communist government and has the lowest levels of rural poverty in India? Thought so. And we might mention Venezuela too, where unaccountably a president advocating "socialism for the 21st century" has recently been elected for a fourth time despite having most of that country's media and wealthy classes and the USA implacably opposed to him; if you lived in South America (which almost four hundred million people do of course) you might have a somewhat different view of the possible future directions politics could take.
Originally posted by scottycelt
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Oh yes, Kerala - isn't that a state which democratically elected a communist government and has the lowest levels of rural poverty in India? Thought so. And we might mention Venezuela too, where unaccountably a president advocating "socialism for the 21st century" has recently been elected for a fourth time despite having most of that country's media and wealthy classes and the USA implacably opposed to him; if you lived in South America (which almost four hundred million people do of course) you might have a somewhat different view of the possible future directions politics could take.