Originally posted by Ein Heldenleben
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Whose decisions? I don't know. But if, say, R3 was cut by 20% that doesn't stop payments for Devonté Hynes, Tolkio Myers, Elizabeth Alker (Unclassified), Sound of Gaming &c, all which are alternative ways of cutting classical music, albeit less obviously.
'Falling audiences' for classical music (wherever) have long been discussed as a chicken-and-egg problem. If contemporary non-'classical' music is integrated into R3's schedules, why can't a similar amount of classical music be integrated into the R1/R2 schedules? Sorry, but I think the BBC is doing more to kill off the classical audience than to nurture it. And the Proms never had a budget of its own (something I argued for - fat chance - some years ago). The yearly deficit is another call on R3's budget.