Originally posted by kernelbogey
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Television adverts
Originally posted by smittims View PostI know we like to chafe at the BBC but one advantage of BBC Tv is a lack of adverts...
And of course Netflix et. al. don't have adverts. Except... I was really angry when Now TV started putting adverts on their paid for service last year. (You can get rid of them by paying twice as much... but I got rid of Now TV instead... until Succession comes back at least!)
Thanks, Mal. I had not realised that Netflix has no adverts; I suppose this is because it is paid for by subscribers, that is, until they cancel their subscriptions, as I hear is happening in the current ecomomic situation.
The adverts on Freeview channels are repeated several times on the course of a programme. Some have six advert breaks, taking up a third of the schedule time ,and they aren't fun as they used to be years ago. So deleting them is a blessing.
Amazon Prime also has no adverts, and has the series everyone is talking about at the moment! If you fancy watching the latest attempt at Tolkein, now might be a good time - you should catch most, if not all, of the series in the free trial month. Also, I rather like "Morrison's at Amazon", that comes with free delivery on Prime. I might continue to make it my main grocery shopping method. It's certainly the most covid safe one I can imagine... the driver drops the shopping on your doorstep in sturdy paper bags and runs back to the car by the time you open the door...
For C4, a few years ago, I used an ad blocker. I turned off the ad blocker before launching the programme, when it started I turned it back on, then the adverts were skipped. But they seem to have fixed that!
Just read a promising tip - allow the programme to play in the background, then replay it - the adverts are not replayed. This worked on the initial adverts for the England v. Germany match on C4. But, if you have money, you should pay, of course. As their website looks much improved, I might see if I can give them some money... need something more interesting than England v. Germany though... unless it's orchestras...
A little anecdote. I was a teenager in the 1960s. My mother and sister had gone to France, leaving me and my father to fend for ourselves. We could manage well enough, but a bonus was that we could watch ITV without my mother’s disapproval. After a few days, we were using the food adverts to give us ideas of what to buy for our meals on the following days. We actually relished the adverts for those two weeks.
The effect has worn off now. I mute them as soon as they appear.
A curiosity about tv adverts that I've noticed in myself is that the ones that I remember as creatively outstanding have left me with no memory of what the product being promoted is. For example, some men digging a trench in the street to lay... a cable?... and others comiing along to ask if they could use the same trench for their... product. Finally a hearse stops by....
Originally posted by cloughie View PostThere’s one word for what I feel running through this thread similar to watching TV programmes with adverts -ENNUI!bong ching