I know we like to chafe at the BBC but one advantage of BBC Tv is a lack of adverts, except of course for their own.
Have adverts on commercial TV become worse? I used to find them entertaining ('Gold Blend' with Sharon Mughan and Anthony Head., and Paul Eddington's 'I shall be writing to Nescafe'), but this morning I cut the adverts out of a Drama channel 90 minute film and found the eigth commercial breaks added 40 minutes to the overall timing, and worse, they were the same adverts each time. Sometimes they're as long as the bits of film in between .
Have adverts on commercial TV become worse? I used to find them entertaining ('Gold Blend' with Sharon Mughan and Anthony Head., and Paul Eddington's 'I shall be writing to Nescafe'), but this morning I cut the adverts out of a Drama channel 90 minute film and found the eigth commercial breaks added 40 minutes to the overall timing, and worse, they were the same adverts each time. Sometimes they're as long as the bits of film in between .