Television adverts

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  • oddoneout
    Full Member
    • Nov 2015
    • 9526

    Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
    The one for a certain refreshing product which talks of the danger of going "nose blind" is basically telling people that they've allowed their premises to reach a point of disgust that they are too stupid or unhygienic to spot - what kind of self-respecting person willingly announces this to the world when standing in line at the supermarket checkout? Ah - I know why YOU've bought that product - no, please keep your distance!

    I really don't believe they are - these are ACTORS simulating grief etc, very bad actors - otherwise we would be told something to the effect that "The people shown in this advertisement are genuine sufferers, not actors".

    It all just amounts to an ever-increasingly fake world of dishonesty and make-believe, and worrying assuming these companies have carte blanche to put out rubbish publicity based on market research or evidence.
    Just found this

    I should perhaps have used " for the real life justification by the advertisers, but Macmillan and Cancer Research UK say they use real cancer sufferers for their ads, so I don't think that the actor generalisation holds good?

    The smelly air things are a triumph in some ways as the blurb says in effect that use will get rid of smells - and people believe it - when in fact arguably the reverse is true - they just add to the smells, which makes for a truly awful mix, even worse than the original problem. In addition for folks such as myself they cause physical discomfort, sometimes quite considerable.


    • oddoneout
      Full Member
      • Nov 2015
      • 9526

      This could just as well go on the politics thread...
      Has anyone seen anything of the Electoral Commission's advertising campaign about Voter ID? I haven't despite such viewing as I do being mostly the commercial channels and at various times of day. There has apparently been a lack of response(in terms of action taken) which suggests that possibly not many people have, or they have not understood the message.
      I have seen(several times unfortunately) the "help for everyone" plug - different budgets, different political purposes?


      • Serial_Apologist
        Full Member
        • Dec 2010
        • 38181

        Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
        Linda Raftree is spot on there. One could of course be accused of lacking sympathy were it not for the feeling that aid adverts often undermine the question of self-empowerment of those who suffer, but they also overlook the complex of underlying causes, chief among them - for centuries - Western exploitation of natural and human resources. The implication is that conscience dictates it is now payback time for us the beneficiaries, but don't go further because either (a) the suffering will get worse, or (b) the sources will drive out the malefactors, the companies, and jeopardise our pension funds, or (c) for reasons of climate change those same sources will literally dry up. It amounts to a massive ethical and moral dilemma because the system supposedly designed to sustain western level living standards depends on maintaining the power imbalance.


        • Serial_Apologist
          Full Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 38181

          Originally posted by oddoneout View Post
          This could just as well go on the politics thread...
          Has anyone seen anything of the Electoral Commission's advertising campaign about Voter ID? I haven't despite such viewing as I do being mostly the commercial channels and at various times of day. There has apparently been a lack of response(in terms of action taken) which suggests that possibly not many people have, or they have not understood the message.
          I have seen(several times unfortunately) the "help for everyone" plug - different budgets, different political purposes?
          I have heard bits and pieces on the subject on Today, with comments to the effect that neither the electorate nor politicians would stand for it: the former since many people still do not have the wherewithals to produce computer-generated ID; the latter since voter turnout is already sliding to unrepresentative levels through apathy and so on.

          PS: it also occurs to one that it would be much to easy for individuals to fake own identity voting permits on their home computers.
          Last edited by Serial_Apologist; 09-02-23, 17:18. Reason: PS added


          • oddoneout
            Full Member
            • Nov 2015
            • 9526

            Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View Post
            I have heard bits and pieces on the subject on Today, with comments to the effect that neither the electorate nor politicians would stand for it: the former since many people still do not have the wherewithals to produce computer-generated ID; the latter since voter turnout is already sliding to unrepresentative levels through apathy and so on.

            PS: it also occurs to one that it would be much to easy for individuals to fake own identity voting permits on their home computers.
            If they are the standard plastic type cards with watermark type designs etc and the embedded photo that may not be so easy?

