Virtual Choir

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  • douglaskeene
    Full Member
    • Nov 2021
    • 2

    Virtual Choir

    Hello All
    I am a new member and I love listening to choir music. I can't sing well, but I love technology. I recently created a website and I was wondering if I could get some feedback from choir experts. The site allows talented vocalists to contribute to a virtual choir by rehearsing and performing vocals in synch with mast tracks for their particular parts (soprano, alto, tenor, bass, descant, etc.). Then they can upload/download as they see fit. If enough people contribute, we could make a wonderful performance. No fees or costs, and users can remain anonymous if desired.

    Please check out If you can think of other places that are more appropriate, please let me know! As a first project, I chose "Oh Come All Ye Faithful," based upon performances at King's College Choir directed by Cleobury and arranged by Willcocks. My goal is to bring together talent from all over from the safety of their own spaces for all to enjoy!

    Thank you for your help!
  • Old Grumpy
    Full Member
    • Jan 2011
    • 3690

    Hi Douglas and welcome to the board. I am not a talented vocalist, but I do enjoy a sing! I have been involved in quite a few projects with (other online choirs are available) and found it very rewarding. There's always room for more though. I leave it to the experts on this site to answer your specific question.



    • douglaskeene
      Full Member
      • Nov 2021
      • 2

      thanks Old Grumpy!

