One thing which does not appear to have been mentioned in the latest discussions about the success or otherwise of COP26 is that the top two countries re CO2 equivalent emissions are still the USA and China, though perhaps for different reasons.
China has a lot of people and the per capita energy consumption may be quite small, though some well off members of Chinese society are very happy to take long distance flights across China for weekends away. The USA has a different profile, with a mix of weather patterns which are really quite extreme, but also from a European perspective, a profligate use of resources - though a very diverse pattern of population and behaviours within it. Some of the poorest people in the USA live in what many would consider poor conditions, with problems with health care, while at the other extreme there are some ludicrously rich people - as indeed there are in some other parts of the world.
China has a lot of people and the per capita energy consumption may be quite small, though some well off members of Chinese society are very happy to take long distance flights across China for weekends away. The USA has a different profile, with a mix of weather patterns which are really quite extreme, but also from a European perspective, a profligate use of resources - though a very diverse pattern of population and behaviours within it. Some of the poorest people in the USA live in what many would consider poor conditions, with problems with health care, while at the other extreme there are some ludicrously rich people - as indeed there are in some other parts of the world.