Originally posted by oddoneout
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Don't succumb to the temptation to criticise the BBC at every opportunity. The Wretched Government will do that anyway and they have the power to do so, far more destructively, and we need the BBC to fight on as an Independent News Service, good as Sky still are.
I'll mention it once more: the Press Previews on BBC/Sky News at 2230 and 2330 every night, are at least as searching, analytical and important as Newsnight ever was (and still tries to be), from all Political and ideological sides, and essential viewing now.
Remember the Mafia line: "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"....
I always listen closely when there is a Telegraph (the only Paper to stand by Paterson**) or Mail journalist on there...
(**even Tim Stanley, a highly intelligent commentator I usually disagree with, but have much respect for; he is at least always worth listening to.)