Originally posted by Bryn
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To mask or not to mask
Originally posted by french frank View PostNo one was suggesting that you HAVE to wear a mask, merely that it indicates a care for the welfare of others, or as Prof Whitty and others have said, it is a courtesy to them. If one accepts this, then one might conclude that not wearing a mask indicates having no concern for the welfare of others, or a discourtesy to them. While this perfectly legal, it is not necessarily something everyone would want to own up to publicly.
"...the isle is full of noises,
Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not.
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments
Will hum about mine ears, and sometime voices..."
Originally posted by Nick Armstrong View Post
Without that confidence, many individuals and organisations will suffer as they go to the wall. Many people will take your mask-wearing as a sign of Danger Within, and will not entertain it - even if this is not rational at the moment, and (at the Proms especially) in the context of a Hall to which entry is not allowed unless you have been double-jabbed, had Covid recently, or been able to produce a negative test.
Whatever the motivation of any individual might be (and there are many possibilities), sadly, the matter of mask-wearing has become 'political'. Though for every person encouraged to attend a concert confident, in the absence of masks, that normality has been restored, there will be another who will have no confidence to attend given their knowledge that normality has not returned as far as the virus is concerned, and you don't wish the virus away by not wearing a mask. But in the end the decision rests with the individual and their priorities.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by marvin View PostWhy would you come to those conclusions? Of course I realise it is still mandated for bus and train travel but I don't use those forms of transport but if I did, then I wou
Mask wearing was no longer mandated from July 19th, I believe. do you not realise this?
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostIt’s interesting that we can now go into a supermarket or concert hall or another indoor venue, and immediately identify the unselfish and the selfish individuals. Until 19/07/21, this had never been easy.
I thought I'd seen a (BBC TV) news report on a recent study:
Nature (Journal) 9 September 2021
"Face masks protect against COVID-19. That’s the conclusion of a gold-standard clinical trial in Bangladesh, which backs up the findings of hundreds of previous observational and laboratory studies…….”
Far eastern countries have been using face masks for years - and of course several of them went through the MERSE epidemic, IIRC. Judging by my recollection of the news report, there is evidence its beneficial and not a specious gesture......
They should be handing out summaries and explanation of the study with the Metro paper on the underground, with free papers at supermarkets and ticket deliveries from box offices... surely?
Originally posted by Serial_Apologist View PostThat's progress for you!
I had not come across Stuart Skelton before and this was not the best introduction sadly, but at least I didn't have expectation dashed as did so many others. Wagner not being my thing I muted the sound, but Brigg Fair I just found painful and disappointing. I noticed the BBCS were using music, whereas the Barber was from memory, and wondered if they had not originally been expecting to be involved in that item? It can't have been easy, being so far apart from each other, to try and find a middle ground between the off-piste soloist and the orchestra.
Have previous Barber /Agnus Dei settings been unaccompanied and that is why this was a " new setting"?
The "other nation" spots were nice idea that didn't come off as far as I am concerned; singing en plein air isn't easy at the best of times and certainly not when so far apart. Suitably distanced inside and with a bit of scenic background added after would have been preferable I feel.
However, overall an enjoyable evening. Now I'm just hoping there will be something of interest occasionally during the evenings ahead...
I'm also hoping that this thread doesn't descend into ill humour like some others have done recently.
Also, I saw info about this lanyard at a supermarket :
The sunflower lanyard was introduced to supermarkets in 2016 to help staff recognise those who may need extra help. And since the beginning of lockdown the Hidden Disabilities scheme has began printing a “facemask exempt” card for those who are unable to wear a mask due a “physical or mental impairment.”
More about the scheme:
Originally posted by Eine Alpensinfonie View PostIt’s interesting that we can now go into a supermarket or concert hall or another indoor venue, and immediately identify the unselfish and the selfish individuals. Until 19/07/21, this had never been easy.
Originally posted by Prommer View PostI wouldn’t disregard those who have an inability to wear one, just as we respect those who do not wish to.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.