Originally posted by LHC
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I suspect the bulk of the English population would barely notice the difference**. What percentage of the English and Welsh have ever been, or want to go, to Scotland, I wonder? In our wider family, there is a property on the Eastern side of the Scottish Borders - retained largely to maintain a long lasting family ownership. Here in the Home Counties we have to make a point of assuring anyone remotely interested in using it for a holiday, that it doesn't rain all the time, and isn't plagued by midges........... (although we have to also point out it isn't located in "wild and savage scenery" (to use a turn of phrase - nor is there a French widow in any of the rooms.....)).
** On reflection, it might be this lack of awareness or concern that irks the Scottish, to add to their resentment at a Westminster Government they haven't, on the whole and certainly latterly, voted for. And when I say latterly, well.... its because I don't intend (to put it emolliently) to spend the time to check the history of voting in Westminster elections in Scotland in the 20th and 19th century....