This is truly explosive isn't it? Explosive, chaotic, messy HONESTY.....
The tabloid-telegraph Brexit-hero-boris defence will soon kick in but...
Cummings' testimony to the joint committee has had me ( a devoted EU-Remainer) transfixed, almost cheering on someone who I have always had as a hate-figure (if always intelligent and, like Daniel Hannan (aka Godfather of Brexit), worth listening to - keep your friends close & your enemies closer, as the Mafia said..)....
I can only use my human instincts, and Cummings words have the "ring of truth" here...
But will anything register, with media or public, can anything really, finally, change?
Bad luck (or maybe good) Royal Family and Princess Diana (for whom and for whose sons, I have much, very deep empathy, media-decieved as they often were & are, even as they "played the game"...) - you are off the front pages for a few days!
Poor UK now has a rather bigger scandal to deal with... which the BBC, so much under attack from "The Right" now - is, of course, recording and transmitting immaculately and accurately....
And in fact it shows that "British Politics" can function very well...given the chance...the questioning has been intense, unflinching and - yes - courteous.
But watch for the media reaction over the next few days....and much compelling blackly comedic u-turning self-deception to result...
Oh what fun we'll have ...
The tabloid-telegraph Brexit-hero-boris defence will soon kick in but...
Cummings' testimony to the joint committee has had me ( a devoted EU-Remainer) transfixed, almost cheering on someone who I have always had as a hate-figure (if always intelligent and, like Daniel Hannan (aka Godfather of Brexit), worth listening to - keep your friends close & your enemies closer, as the Mafia said..)....
I can only use my human instincts, and Cummings words have the "ring of truth" here...
But will anything register, with media or public, can anything really, finally, change?
Bad luck (or maybe good) Royal Family and Princess Diana (for whom and for whose sons, I have much, very deep empathy, media-decieved as they often were & are, even as they "played the game"...) - you are off the front pages for a few days!
Poor UK now has a rather bigger scandal to deal with... which the BBC, so much under attack from "The Right" now - is, of course, recording and transmitting immaculately and accurately....
And in fact it shows that "British Politics" can function very well...given the chance...the questioning has been intense, unflinching and - yes - courteous.
But watch for the media reaction over the next few days....and much compelling blackly comedic u-turning self-deception to result...
Oh what fun we'll have ...
