Originally posted by Dave2002
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Ah, found it https://www.theguardian.com/artandde...ng-development a dispiriting read unfortunately.
We are constantly being told about why it is super essential to concrete over green fields " because there's a housing crisis". That being the case why are there about one million residential units with planning permission but unbuilt? And why so many empty houses?(not unconnected with but not limited to the London investment disease). Developers whinge to government that it would be economic ruin to build more houses, as that would depress the market(aka might slightly impinge on their double digit profits and hence the obscene amount of money they can pay themselves) but they they continue to extort further permissions from councils unable to oppose, and sit on the land. Meanwhile small developers and local builders stand no chance and selfbuilders even less so to build good quality houses of a kind and at a scale that suits local need. The token amounts that are supposed to be paid by the developers as sweeteners to "improve local facilities" might as well not be required or collected for all the good they do. As high school governor for many years, and also having engaged with the GP surgery over the years about their staffing problems, I am only too well aware that a few tens of thousands of pounds as a one off payment to those bodies achieves precisely zilch in addressing lack of school places and doctors.
It's things like this that fuel my donors and cronies negativity, which is not a new state of affairs.