V. interesting. History on your side, too...........
The Election That Could Break America
Originally posted by Frances_iom View Postthe so far usual approach when 2 authoritarian states face off is a prolonged war of mutual destruction - can't see how today's pairing of a near fascist America which needs an external enemy to provide a pseudo peace between two incompatible parties and a state capitalist China will end in any other way
Originally posted by richardfinegold View PostThere hasn’t been any right wing violence here,.
See also: https://www.theguardian.com/world/20...eftwing-antifa
Originally posted by Joseph K View PostI seem to recall an antifascist who died getting deliberately run over. Then this occurred to me: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/...mp-republicans
See also: https://www.theguardian.com/world/20...eftwing-antifa
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostThe problem with this prognosis is that the USA would not survive the collapse of China, in the way that it could (and in the end did) survive the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Originally posted by Joseph K View PostI seem to recall an antifascist who died getting deliberately run over.
Cf N. Farage: "UKIP leader Nigel Farage has been blasted this morning for claiming that Brexiteers had claimed victory 'without a single bullet being fired' - only a week after Remain supporter MP Jo Cox was gunned down in her constituency." Reported, for goodness sake, by The Sun.It isn't given us to know those rare moments when people are wide open and the lightest touch can wither or heal. A moment too late and we can never reach them any more in this world.
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostWhy do you think nuclear war between the US and China is likely?
Originally posted by Frances_iom View Postlook at WW1, WW2 - both parties threw everything available at each other - post WW2 the two main players danced around each other but the USA 'outgunned' the old Soviet Union by making equivalence impossible for the latter - this algorithm is not possible with China - like Russia it has sufficient slave power to afford to lose 80% but tho long-term in its thought, the USA with a Trump-like president will not think this way and will react without thought as Bush did in Iraq
Originally posted by Richard Barrett View PostBush was supported by the entire US ruling class in invading Iraq, a strategy which was by no means without thought. While the inevitable tragic mess left there is clear for all to see, us "defence" contractors - who were instrumental in pushing for the invasion - have profited massively.
Bush was aping Bismark - pick a quarrel with a weaker party then on winning, raid that party's treasury - worked fine to build Prussia from the minor German states , then again with France to gain Alsace and almost worked in WW1 except the Brits joined in over Belgium - Bush + the military-industrial complex were counting on raiding Iraq's petroleum 'treasury' to pay for the war.
Originally posted by Frances_iom View PostBush + the military-industrial complex were counting on raiding Iraq's petroleum 'treasury' to pay for the war.
he reacted without thought as to how to handle the aftermath nor whether Iraq offered any real threat - the petroleum interests would have been noted, after all USA + UK had engineered a coup in what became Iran in the 50s specifically to protect their oil interests and Saudi Arabia was protected for the same reasons (+ engineering rightwing coups was a common technique of US policy in South America to protect American interests there for all the 20th C) - Bush's decision was I think driven by need 'to do something' but others could see considerable profits to be made in the short term in Iraq.